New Found Gold drills 105 g/t gold over 2.10 metres at Kingsway Project, Newfoundland

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New Found Gold Corp. [TSXV: NFG; NYSE American: NFGC] reported results from six diamond drill holes completed at its recently acquired Kingsway Project, Newfoundland, that adjoins the northern border of the Queensway Project and is on trend with numerous discoveries made further south along the Appleton Fault Zone (AFZ).

In addition, the company reported results from 29 diamond drill holes that were completed as part of a drill program designed to follow up on initial grid drilling results in the Everest area and expand on the Honeypot and Jackpot zones. New Found’s 100%-owned Queensway Project comprises a 1,756 km2 area, accessible via the Trans-Canada Highway, 15km west of Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Drilling Highlights: 105 g/t Au over 2.10m and 10.4 g/t Au over 4.45m in NFGC-24-2153 was intersected in a follow-up program targeting two historic intervals of high-grade gold which included 5.17 g/t Au over 7.00m in K-23-271 and 4.68 g/t Au over 5.00m in K-23-278, a discovery that has become known as “Pistachio”.

These historic intervals at Pistachio are 40m and 65m down plunge of NFGC-24-2153 and are located 150m north of the Big Vein Zone, a previously made discovery by Labrador Gold. These initial results represent some of the most significant gold intercepts drilled to date at Kingsway.

Pistachio and Big Vein are situated 5.5km northeast of the Honeypot Zone immediately west of the AFZ, demonstrating that high-grade gold mineralization extends well north of the Queensway Project area.

The Pistachio Zone consists of a series of quartz veins containing visible gold hosted by a greenish siltstone unit that is spatially associated with a high-grade gold and stibnite-bearing fault zone. The historic drilling into this area was limited, and the zone remains open down plunge and to depth. Follow-up drilling is ongoing to expand on these initial high-grade intervals and improve understanding of the structural orientations.

Previous exploration drilling by Labrador Gold on Kingsway resulted in seven near-surface gold discoveries occurring over a 7.5km long segment of the AFZ and mostly on the west side. Ongoing exploration drilling is using a combined targeted and systematic approach, involving grid drilling within the prospective corridor on both sides of the AFZ. This strategy has been effective at Queensway, leading to multiple discoveries further south around the Keats Zone.

Continued follow-up drilling at Honeypot resulted in a 75m expansion of the zone to the east with the intercept of 8.44 g/t Au over 4.10m in NFGC-24-2129. Located a further 75m down-dip, the highlight interval of 5.20 g/t Au over 6.15m in NFGC-24-2119 was also intersected demonstrating lateral continuity of the gold mineralization at depth.

The Honeypot high-grade domain plunges steeply to the east and is currently 50m wide and 200m deep and exists within a broader gold mineralized domain that demonstrates good continuity over 170m in strike and 230m down dip. Honeypot is located 1.2km north of Lotto and remains open along strike and to depth.

Honeypot is just one of a series of veins found north of Keats that start at the bedrock surface and carries high-grade gold within steeply plunging continuous domains. Other examples of similar zones include Golden Joint, Lotto, Lotto North and Jackpot.

At Jackpot, 36.7 g/t Au over 2.00m in NFGC-24-2144 infilled a gap in the high-grade domain just 42m from surface. This interval confirms and further defines the high-grade near surface continuity of the Jackpot Zone.

Melissa Render, VP of Exploration of New Found, stated: “Today’s results at Kingsway demonstrate the potential to delineate additional high-grade gold mineralization along this newly acquired segment of the AFZ. The acquisition of Labrador Gold’s Kingsway Project provides us with 13.5km of sparsely tested strike on the AFZ and an extensive pipeline of near-surface targets with several existing discoveries that exhibit gold mineralization characteristics identical to those observed at Queensway. High-grade gold discoveries at Queensway are concentrated along the AFZ, and these initial high-grade results located 8.5km north of Keats points to the scale potential and strength of the gold mineralizing system. Acquiring the Kingsway Project has more than doubled our prospective strike length along the AFZ, while ongoing deep drilling has shown gold mineralization to persist to depths more than double those previously recognized. These advancements expand the footprint of the gold system and provide encouragement that the prospectivity of the AFZ continues well north through the Kingsway Project.”

New Found holds a 100% interest in the Queensway Project, located 15km west of Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, and just 18km from Gander International Airport. The project is intersected by the Trans-Canada Highway and has logging roads crosscutting the project, high voltage electric power lines running through the project area, and easy access to a highly skilled workforce. The Company is currently undertaking a 650,000-metre drill program at Queensway and is well funded for this program with cash and marketable securities of approximately $41 million as of October 2024.

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