Newcrest drills 7,400 g/t gold over 1 metre at Brucejack, British Columbia

Newcrest Mining Ltd. [NCM-TSX; NCMGF-OTC; NSM-ASX] managing director and CEO Sandeep Biswas, said: “We are absolutely delighted to release the exceptional drilling results at Brucejack today, following completion of the Pretium transaction in March, 2022. Brucejack is very early in its mine life and offers significant exploration upside with the land package largely unexplored. The drilling results today confirm the significant upside potential adjacent to and beyond the Valley of the Kings deposit with high-grade intercepts identified in a number of targets outside of the current resource. Golden Marmot has also delivered incredible results, further expanding the footprint of high-grade mineralization and creating exciting potential. The Brucejack mine is in the Golden Triangle region of northwestern British Columbia.
“The results at our East Ridge discovery at the Red Chris mine, also in northwest B.C., area continue to expand the higher-grade footprint of the mineralized corridor, with the strike extents of this prospect remaining open to the east and at depth. Havieron also continues to deliver encouraging results, with several high-grade drill results in target areas, including the eastern breccia, that sit outside of our inferred mineral resource estimate,” said Biswas.
At Brucejack, drilling confirms the potential for resource growth at the Valley of the Kings deposit, with further high-grade returned from North block and 1,080 Level East, which are both located outside of the current resource. At North block, hole VU-3489 returned 28.5 metres of 262 g/t gold from 70.5 metres, including 1.0 metre of 7,400 g/t gold from 87 metres.
At 1,080 Level East, VU-3570 returned 17 metres of 41 g/t gold from 189 metres, including one metre of 662 g/t gold from 205 metres, and 16.5 metres of 35 g/t gold from 252 metres, including one metre of 205 g/t gold from 252 metres and including one metre of 316 g/t gold from 266 metres, and 34.5 metres of 16 g/t gold from 286.5 metres, including one metre of 359 g/t gold from 301 metres.
Drilling also expanded the footprint of the high-grade mineralization at Golden Marmot 3.5 km north of the Brucejack mine. At Golden Marmot, SU-786 returned 20.0 metres of 187 g/t gold from 268 metres, including 0.5 metres of 6,700 g/t gold from 270.5 metres and including 0.5 metres of 770 g/t gold from 285 metres.
At Red Chris, drilling continues to expand the footprint and confirm continuity of higher-grade mineralization at East Ridge. RC750W returned 96 metres of 0.77 g/t gold and 0.61% copper from 1,454 metres, including 46 metres of 1.3 g/t gold and 1.0% copper from 1,502 metres and 82 metres of 0.69 g/t gold and 0.61% copper from 1,578 metres, including 32 metres of 1.2 g/t gold and 1.0% copper from 1,582 metres.
RC785 extended the corridor to the east, a further 100 metres beyond RC740 (previously reported) returning 214 metres of 0.26 g/t gold and 0.37% copper from 1,532 metres, including 24 metres of 0.83 g/t gold and 1.1% copper from 1,532 metres. RC785 is also the deepest significant intercept returned from East Ridge, and remains open at depth and to the east. Drilling to define the extent of the East Ridge mineralized corridor is continuing.
At Havieron, drilling continues to expand the system footprint and identify high-grade extensions to the mineralization in the eastern breccia, South East Crescent zone, northern breccia and North West Pod target areas.
Highlights in the eastern breccia include new results from HAD145W1 that returned 150.1 metres of 3.7 g/t gold and 0.15% copper from 1,827.9 metres, including 42.3 metres of 8.6 g/t gold and 0.4% copper from 1,854 metres.
In the South East Crescent, results for HAD133W6 were received which finalize the reported intercept to 173.2 metres of 1.9 g/t gold and 0.18% copper from 1,424.6 metres, including 43.1 metres of 3.7 g/t gold and 0.34% copper from 1,425.9 metres. This intercept is the deepest high-grade mineralized intercept for the project to date at approximately 250 metres below the current mineral resource and demonstrates that the high-grade mineralization remains open at depth.
In the northern breccia and North West Pod targets, crescent-like intercepts have been returned in infill drilling with HAD089W4 intersecting 52.7 metres of 7.1 g/t gold and 0.04% copper from 1,074 metres, including 31.4 metres of 12 g/t gold and 0.03% copper from 1,094.9 metres on the northwest margin of the breccia.