Omega Pacific Resources exploring Lekcin Project, British Columbia

Omega Pacific Resources Inc. [CSE: OMGA; OTCQB: OMGPF; FSE: Q0F; WKN: A3D6VP] released results from its fieldwork program at its Lekcin property, located 120 km east of Vancouver, near Hope, British Columbia
The Lekcin property consists of six Mineral Titles Online (MTO) claims that are under option to the company. These claims cover 2,521 hectares and are adjacent to the past-producing Giant Mascot nickel-copper mine that was intermittently active between the 1930s and 1973.
The Giant Mascot mine, which includes deposits named the Star of Emory and Pride of Emory, was developed on an ultramafic intrusion that hosts at least 28 subvertical pipe-like orebodies that range from six metres to 75 metres in width and 15 metres to 350 metres in length. These orebodies consist of massive to disseminated pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite with grades ranging from 0.5% to 2.4% nickel and 0.2% to 0.8% copper. Average ore grades over the life of the Giant Mascot mine were 0.6% nickel and 0.3% copper.
Previous work on the Lekcin property identified two nickel and copper showings in addition to several occurrences of ultramafic rock, which, in all cases, is the host rock for the target style of mineralization. The showings include Big Nic, where recent sampling includes four samples that returned 0.6-0.9% nickel and 0.8%-4.4% copper, as well as the SP gabbro showing, which returned samples with 0.3% nickel and 0.3-0.7% copper. The Swede showing consists of ultramafic rock with finely disseminated pyrrhotite.
The 2024 work program on the Lekcin property was designed to identify ultramafic intrusives that could potentially host Giant Mascot style sulphide mineralization through an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) magnetic survey and follow-up prospecting. A total of $124,924 was spent on the 2024 program with the methods and results of this work described further as follows.
The 2024 work program was completed by Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C., and involved a UAV magnetic survey, rock sampling and geochemical assay:
UAV magnetics: This survey was subcontracted to Dias Geophysical of Saskatoon, Sask., which used 10 field days to fly 245 line-km over the eastern half of the property.
Rock sampling: Results of the UAV magnetic survey were used to prioritize areas for traversing and rock sampling. Four ground traverses were completed and 22 rock samples were collected for assay.
Geochemical assay: Sample preparation and assay were completed by Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. (BV) in Vancouver, B.C. At BV, samples were first crushed to greater than or equal to 70% passing two millimetres, after which a 250-gram split was pulverized to greater than or equal to 85% passing 75 microns (BV code PRP70-250). For multielement analysis, a 0.25-gram split was dissolved in a multiacid digestion and then analyzed by ICP-ES (code MA300). Precious metal (gold, platinum and palladium) analyses were completed on a 30-gram split through lead collection fire assay fusion and ICP-ES analysis (code FA330).
The 2024 UAV magnetic survey defined areas of high magnetism in the north, southeast and southwest parts of the property. Budget and time allowed only for the ground truthing of the northern and southeastern anomalies.
The three traverses completed over the northern magnetic anomaly resulted in collection of 14 samples, four of which were characterized as mafic-ultramafic, nine as diorite-granodiorite and one as schist. These results suggest that the northern magnetic anomaly cannot be solely explained by the occurrence of mafic-ultramafic rocks at the surface.
Two of the mafic-ultramafic rocks collected in the north exhibit definitive ultramafic geochemistry that includes high magnesium (16%), nickel (700 parts per million), copper (100-200 ppm), cobalt (100 ppm) and chromium (1,200-1,500 ppm).
Precious metal (gold, platinum and palladium) contents are all less than or equal to four ppb. Both ultramafic samples were collected from outcrop and indicate that an ultramafic intrusion, like that hosting the Giant Mascot orebodies, extends onto the Lekcin property. The other samples are more gabbroic in composition with 60-70 ppm nickel and 10-50 ppm copper.
Eight rocks were collected from a single traverse over the southeastern anomaly, six of which are mafic-ultramafic in composition, along with one diorite and one schist. These results suggest that the southeastern magnetic anomaly may reflect a cluster of stock-like mafic (plus or minus ultramafic) intrusions. All samples of mafic rock returned generally low values of nickel (less than 245 ppm) and copper (less than 72 ppm).
Together, results of the 2024 work program indicate that magnetic highs on the Lekcin property can correlate with either mafic-ultramafic or granodiorite-diorite but are still likely a useful method for delineating those parts of the property most prospective for hosting a near-surface mafic-ultramafic intrusion of sufficient size to host Giant Mascot style sulphide mineralization.