Phenom Resources drills 0.48% V2O5 over 22.86 metres at Carlin, Nevada

Phenom Resources Corp. [TSXV-PHNM; OTCQX-PHNMF; FSE-1PY] reported results from the reverse circulation drill holes RC23-17 and RC23-18 both planned as a 2,000-foot-depth test of the gold system at the Carlin gold-vanadium project in the Carlin gold trend of Nevada. RC23-17 was abandoned at 500 feet due to difficult rock conditions. RC23-18 was drilled to a depth of 1,900 feet. The two holes were collared 90 metres apart, both near vertical tests and encountered a near-surface mineralized vanadium zone.
Hole RC23-17 encountered the 22.86 metres (75 feet) vanadium unit starting at a depth of 74.68 metres (245 feet) and returned an average grade of 0.48% V2O5 hole RC23-18 encountered the 15.24 metres (50 feet) vanadium unit starting at a depth of 3.05 metres (10 feet) and returned an average grade of 0.41% V2O5. True thicknesses of the two intercepts are not known. The nearest neighbour holes to RC23-17 and RC23-18 were R-128 and DDH-4 each about 90 metres away and encountered 13.7 metres (44 feet) at 0.51% V2O5 and 7.0 metres (22 feet) at 0.91% V2O5, respectively.
These intercepts are now the southernmost drill holes through the vanadium deposit, resulting in extending the deposit a further 90 metres (295 feet). The vanadium deposit still remains open southward, westward and northwestward for further expansion.
RC23-17 did not penetrate deep enough to test the gold target. RC23-18 encountered upper plate rocks followed by moderate to strongly altered (silicified-dolomite and quartz stringered-sulphide bearing and broken) Mississippian-aged Chainman formation. The bottom 71.6 metres (235 feet) of the hole encountered continuous geochemically elevated gold values.
From all of this, Dave Mathewson, M.Sc, Geological Advisor, interprets that due to structural complexities the hole appears to be located a bit too far to the east and within the graben to properly test the gold target. On a positive note, the Chainman rocks were exceptionally altered and mineralized which indicated the gold system is there without question. He considers a hole placed to the west is justifiable to properly test the target in this area.
Mathewson stated: “My convictions remain strong and undeterred on the opportunity in our gold system on the Carlin gold-vanadium property. We took a very good shot 800 metres south of hole RC22-16, at a very good target that has multiple clues with RC23-17 and 18 and still remains untested. The other high priority target is the area around RC22-16 which remains very favourable for a gold discovery.”
Mathewson continued: “I view all of our three gold projects as selective high-impact target opportunities. Having said that, there is always a need to prioritize the deployment of our shareholders’ money for best gains according to our best judgement. As such, to continue our gold momentum, I am excited to next be drill testing our Dobbin and Crescent Valley gold projects in Nevada this summer which are shallower less expensive gold tests than at Carlin and for that reason will be prioritized ahead of drill testing next at Carlin.”
Phenom has a 100% interest in the Carlin gold-vanadium project, located in Elko County, six miles south from the town of Carlin, Nev., and Highway I-80 which hosts the Carlin vanadium deposit, North America’s largest highest-grade primary vanadium resource. The project lies in the Carlin gold trend. Approximately nine million ounces comprised multiple gold deposits, including past-producing mines, are present near the Phenom property (five to 15 km).