Prospector Metals posts first assays from the ML Project, Yukon

Prospector Metals Corp. [TSXV- PPP; OTCQB-PMCOF; FSE-1ET] reported initial assay results from the 2024 exploration program at the ML Project located approximately 80 km from Dawson City, Yukon Territory.
During the four-week program, a total of 520 rock grab and chip samples were collected across the property to establish the extent of the surface expression of known zones as well as sample new areas with unknown mineral potential. This news release reports results from the first 133 samples with assays from below detection to 34.64 g/t Au, 3.3 % Cu, 420 g/t Ag. The remaining sample results will be released when assays are received.
Field mapping and prospecting by the company revealed that high-grade Au-Ag-Cu bearing veins occur in a newly defined structural corridor that extends >15km across the claim block.
Diagnostic trace element signature of As-Te-Bi-Sb is also observed with mineralized veins and provides a useful tool build geochemical vectors for further exploration, as well as insights into the fluid sources and genesis of the mineralization.
LiDAR and World View 3 datasets were successfully acquired, and final imagery will be posted once processing has been completed.
Assays for 133 samples are reported here and results are pending for an additional 387 rock samples to be release when available.
“Our maiden field program at ML successfully established the presence of an extensive and high-grade mineralizing system on the claim block.” stated CEO Rob Carpenter. “Our team has cracked the code and assembled a predictive geological framework based on structural geology, geochemistry and geophysics which will allow us to fingerprint and prioritize drill targets for 2025 We are still waiting for results from an additional 387 rock samples, and we anticipate being able to connect a number of zones along trend.”
The 2024 field program on the ML property encompassed 520 rock grab and chip samples and initial geologic and structural mapping; high-resolution LiDAR: Processing underway; WorldView-3 remote sensing survey: Processing underway and samples from the three known intrusive centres have been submitted for whole rock analysis and age dating.
The work was completed to assess multiple known historic prospects across the property, including previously underexplored intrusion hosted targets, and gain an understanding of key structural and lithologic controls on mineralization, with an ultimate goal of defining future drill targets.
To date, results for 133 samples have been received and returned results below detection to 34.64 g/t Au, to 420 g/t Ag, and to 3.3% Cu. In addition, some samples contained highly anomalous As, Bi, Pb, Sb, Te, and/or Zn. These results represent partial results from four target areas: Cirque Trend; Bueno Trend; Rubble Trend; and the Java Trend discussed in more detail below:
Results for 12 samples from the Cirque area have been received to date. The samples ranged from trace to 23 g/t Au with three samples returning >10 g/t Au with strongly anomalous As, Bi, Cu, Sb, and Te.
Results for 21 samples from the Cirque area have been received to date. The samples ranged from trace to 34.64 g/t Au with two samples returning >10 g/t Au with strongly anomalous Ag (up to 57.03 g/t Ag), As, Bi, Cu (up to 1.8%), Sb, and Te. The Bueno Trend consists of hornfelsed to calc-silicate altered limestone and metasedimentary rocks cut by a series of steeply dipping NNE trending high angle structures and feldspar porphyry dikes.
Results for 20 samples from the Cirque area have been received to date. The samples ranged from trace to 13.46 g/t Au, up to 63.91 g/t Ag, and up to 3.3% Cu with strongly anomalous As, Bi, Sb, and Te. Mineralization on the Rubble trend is hosted within porphyritic intrusive rocks and adjacent calc-silicate altered limestone, at the intersection of WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW trending structural corridors.
Results for 45 samples from the Java area have been received to date. The samples ranged from trace to 5.91 g/t Au, up to 49.16 g/t Ag, and up to 2.24% Cu with strongly anomalous As, Bi, Sb, and Te. The Java Trend consists of multiple horizons of calcareous interbedded coarse sandstone and quartz pebble conglomerates replaced by Fe-carbonate, limonite, tremolite, and pyroxene
Results from three angular boulder/talus samples south and southeast of the Bueno area returned highly anomalous Ag (36.38 to 420 g/t), Pb (0.3 to 10.52%), and Zn (0.4 to 11%) and are likely associated with proximal
In addition, there are multiple relatively unexplored mineral occurrences, many of which are high grade gold targets. A total of 117 diamond drill holes have been drilled property wide, testing six property targets.
The property hosts numerous other targets of interest which have a variety of intriguing characteristics, such as high-grade rock-soil samples, highly anomalous trench samples, unique geophysical signatures, and large areas of alteration.
Prospector Metals is a Discovery Group Company focused on district scale, early-stage exploration of gold and base metal prospects.