Q2 Metals posts assays from 2023 inaugural drill program at Mia Lithium Property, Quebec

Q2 Metals Corp. [TSXV-QTWO; OTCQB-QUEXF; FSE-458] reported core assay results of the inaugural drill program completed in fall of 2023 at the company’s wholly owned, 8,668-hectare Mia Lithium Property located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay Territory of Quebec. The targeted drill area for the inaugural program was the approximately 10-km-long Mia Lithium Exploration Trend which is located 22 km) from the Billy Diamond Highway, proximal to major hydro-powerline and all-season road infrastructure.
Highlights: Confirmed presence of wide spodumene-mineralized pegmatites containing high grade intervals at the Mia and Carte zones: Mia Zone – 17.8 m at 1.51% Li2O, including 12.2 m of 2.16% Li2O (MIA23-004). Carte Zone – 7.3 m at 0.94% Li2O, including 4.4 m of 1.40% Li2O (MIA23-007). Continuity of mineralization at the Mia 1 & 2 zones. Core assay results remain to be reported for the 20 drill holes from the company’s approximately 3,085 m Winter 2024 Drill Program.
Neil McCallum, VP Exploration, stated: “Core assay results received to date indicate our 2023 drill program was successful in confirming spodumene mineralization in the pegmatites at the Mia Property. Using innovative targeting methods, our 2023 drill program on the Mia Trend has revealed that pegmatites are in some cases complex and variably mineralized at depth and in other cases, such as at Mia-1/2 and Carte, the pegmatite bodies have a simple geometry and consistent mineralization. We are very encouraged with these first drill results and believe we have only just begun to unlock the potential of the Mia Property.”
The Mia Trend comprises an approximately 10-km-long series of sub-parallel pegmatite intrusions, of which there are 11 demonstrated spodumene mineralized zones. The individual pegmatite bodies vary in thickness, between a few metres and over 20 m in some cases.
The primary objective of the drill program was to drill test along the Mia Trend, with a total of 31 drill holes completed for approximately 5,601 m. One drill rig was used to test the main Mia 1, 2 & 3 zones (17 holes) while the other rig tested the Carte Zone (eight holes) and the greater Mia Trend (six holes at zones Mia 7,8 & 9). The Mia Zone represents the most significant finding of the inaugural program, as outlined below. The wide spacing of the drill holes on the greater Mia Trend of between 500 m and 2.8 km represents several opportunities for additional discoveries that are similar to the well-mineralized pegmatite at the Mia Zone.
Drill results at the Mia Zone confirmed spodumene mineralization within a continuous pegmatite zone that dips gently to the north. Thickness of the mineralized zone varies from 8 and 20 m, and extends roughly 600 m east-west and roughly 375 m north-south. The pegmatite body appears to be open to the west, east and north.
Drill results at the Carte Zone have confirmed spodumene mineralization with a pegmatite zone that appears at surface and dips gently to the northwest. Thickness of the mineralized zone varies from 5.8 and 7.3 m, and extends roughly 170 m in a northeast-southwest strike direction and has been intersected to a depth of roughly 65 m.
Q2 Metals is focused on unlocking its portfolio of lithium projects in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Quebec, Canada that includes its 100%-owned Mia Lithium Property and its recently acquired Cisco Lithum Property.
The company’s exploration advancement at its 8,668-ha flagship Mia Lithium Property is focused on the more than 10-kilometre-long Mia Trend which is host to both the Mia 1 and Mia 2 lithium occurrences and 11 other mineralized zones along trend.
The Cisco Lithium Property is located approximately 150 km north of Matagami, Quebec and comprised of 222 mineral claims and is 11,374-ha in size. The property has district scale potential with an already identified mineralized zone and a discovery drill result of 115.4 m of 1.21% Li2O (hole CS-23-05), cumulatively in five separate pegmatites.