Quebec Nickel intersects 1.07% nickel over 4.77 metres at Ducros, Quebec

Quebec Nickel Corp. [QNI-CSE; QNICF-OTCQB; 7IB-FSE] reported additional assay results from drilling completed at its Ducros Ni-Cu-Co-PGE-Au (nickel-copper-cobalt-platinum-group-element-gold) project, 80 km northeast of Val d’Or, Quebec.
Assay results are reported here for four holes completed at the Fortin Sill Zone and demonstrate the zone extends from the mineralized surface outcrop to the southeast. In addition, the assay results also highlight the potential for discovery of additional Fortin Sill Zone-like bodies at depth.
Drilling Highlights: Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulphides encountered in three new holes collared to the southeast of the Fortin Sill Zone discovery outcrop.
Hole QDG-22-30 cored through 0.58% Ni, 0.60% Cu, 230 ppm Co and 1.26 g/t Pt-Pd-Au over 13.77 metres, including 1.07% Ni, 1.19% Cu, 364 ppm Co and 2.70 g/t Pt-Pd-Au over 4.77 metres.
Hole QDG-22-31 returned a 14.56-metre interval containing 0.43% Ni, 0.33% Cu, 193 ppm Co and 0.57 g/t Pt-Pd-Au and includes a higher-grade subinterval assaying 0.65% Ni, 0.88% Cu, 243 ppm Co and 0.99 g/t Pt-Pd-Au over 1.74 metres.
Highly anomalous results were also returned from hole QDG-22-38 at depth and to the southwest of the Fortin Sill Zone proper and include 0.64% Ni + Cu, 164 ppm Co and 0.66 g/t Pt-Pd-Au over a seven-metre core length.
The inaugural 2022 drilling program at the Ducros project has been successfully completed. Just over 21,000 metres were drilled in 91 holes across the Ducros property utilizing up to three drills. A multitude of geophysical and geological targets were drill tested across the property this year.
The vast majority of the new data were collected in areas that have had very little or no previous exploration work completed. Core logging and sampling is ongoing and core samples are being delivered to the assay laboratory on a regular basis. To date, approximately 50% of the assay results from submitted and yet to be submitted core samples have been received. It is expected all remaining core samples will be delivered to the assay lab before the end of December.
An analysis of all the data collected at the Ducros property this year has resulted in a refined geological/exploration model for the Fortin Sill Zone. A review and integration of relevant geophysical data (VTEMTM, drone magnetics, airborne gravity), along with historical and QNI drilling results in addition to recent surface geological mapping indicates the Ni-Cu-Co-PGE-Au mineralization at the Fortin Sill Zone occurs at or near the footwall contact of a large west-southwest-dipping embayment structure within the larger mafic to ultramafic Fortin Sill.
The overall Fortin Sill intrusive body is interpreted to span several hundred metres or more in an approximate northwest-southeast trend and is characterized by the occurrence of a large blow-out, or embayment, at the Fortin Sill Zone.
The conceptual geologic model is supported by several lines of evidence including hanging wall and footwall contacts between the Fortin Sill and host country rocks identified during detailed surface geological mapping completed this past summer.
The observation of large blocks (xenoliths) of country rock basalts and sediments within the Fortin Sill intrusion, as seen in the discovery outcrop, regional mapping and within drill core.
This refinement in the exploration model is being used to plan the next phase of work at Fortin Sill Zone and will likely include the drill testing of the newly modelled footwall contact along its entire surface, both along strike and at depth.
In addition to the processing of the remaining 2022 drill core, logistical planning is in progress that envisages the completion of up to 20,000 metres of new drilling across the Ducros claims in 2023. While additional drilling and 3D geological modelling will continue at the Fortin Sill Zone, it is expected the bulk of the 2023 drilling program will be focused on exploring the remaining 98% of the Ducros claims, including at the Ducros Ultramafic Sill Complex and Ducros Gabbro targets.
Quebec Nickel has a 100% interest in the Ducros property, consisting of 280 contiguous mining claims covering 15,147 hectares within the eastern portion of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt in Quebec.