Rackla Metals drilling Hit Target, Eastern Tombstone Gold Belt, Yukon

Rackla Metals Inc. [TSXV-RAK] reported that drilling has commenced at its Hit target, Astro Plutonic Complex, in eastern Yukon Territory.
Rackla’s team has moved into their road accessible camp that will facilitate all work on the Astro Plutonic Complex. The 2024 drill program is now underway, and the first holes being drilled are designed to expand the RIRGS (Reduced Intrusion-Related Gold Systems) mineralization discovered at the Hit target last year.
The Hit target is defined by a prominent corridor of intense sheeted quartz-sulphide veins within the 2.5 km2 Canol Trail Stock.
The first hole of the 2024 campaign, HIT-006, was drilled below and to the southwest of 2023 drill holes HIT-003 and HIT-004. Hole HIT-007 was drilled from the north towards HIT-003 and 004 targeting the sheeted vein system and fault structures along the northern margin of the sediment-intrusive contact. The image below shows sheeted vein system in monzogranite from HIT-006. This drill hole expands the known RIRGS mineralization to the southwest and from surface to a vertical depth of 229m.
The Rackla field team is also working at the Peak target and has mobilized the drill to collar the first drill hole at the target this week. The Peak target is located on the eastern flank of the Kelvin Stock, 11 km south of the Hit target.
Both the Hit and Peak targets are located within the Astro Plutonic Complex (APC), eastern Tombstone Gold Belt, in proximity to the territorial border between eastern Yukon and western Northwest Territories, Canada . The APC is road accessible via the North Canol road.
Simon Ridgway, CEO, commented: “Our team is excited to have initiated the next phase of drilling on the Hit target and look forward to maiden drilling at the Peak target in the coming days. We are encouraged with the sheeted vein density in HIT-006 and HIT-007, and look forward to the assay results.”
Rackla Metals is targeting RIRGS (Reduced Intrusion-Related Gold System) mineralization on the southeastern part of the Tombstone Gold Belt in the eastern Yukon and western Northwest Territories. Management believes that this area, which is underexplored for RIRGS deposit types, has the potential to be the next frontier for their discovery.