Rockcliff extends Manitoba high-grade copper deposit

Rockcliff Metals Corp. [RCLF-CSE; RO0-FSE; A2H60G-WKN] has completed a successful winter drill program on its 100%-owned Tower property. The Tower Property is part of the company’s Manitoba property portfolio and is located within the prolific Flin Flon-Snow Lake greenstone belt.
Drilling has intersected high-grade copper extensions along strike to the south and at depth outside of the current limits of the high-grade Tower deposit. The Tower deposit mineralization strike length is now over 900 metres and has been intersected to depths of over 600 metres. It remains open along strike to the south and at depth.
Rockcliff’s President and CEO, Alistair Ross, said, “We are extremely pleased to report that our 2020 winter drill program has exceeded expectations. The Tower deposit is presently one of the highest-grade unmined deposits in the prolific Flin Flon-Snow Lake greenstone belt and our 2020 drilling to date has confirmed the exceptional potential to extend the known mineralization of the deposit. The drill program intersected high-grade copper mineralization south of the known Tower deposit limits where hole TP20-080 intersected 4.88% CuEq across a downhole width of 13.53 metres, including 12.42% CuEq across 2.66 metres. Refer to company press release for more assays.
“The deposit remains open to the south and appears to be following the flanks of a geophysical conductive anomaly, which has an additional strike length of over one kilometre. Additional mineralization was also identified at depth where several holes (TP20-065, 068 and 069) intersected high-grade copper mineralization associated with extensive geophysical conductive anomalies below the existing Tower deposit. We look forward to this spring and summer when we will recommence drilling at Tower with a view of expanding the known mineralization.”
Twenty-four drill holes totalling 10,176 metres were completed in the 2020 winter drill program.
The 2020 winter drill holes were not included in the current resource stated below.
The Tower property Updated Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate at a 1.5% CuEq cut-off stands at 1,026,000 tonnes containing 129.8 million lbs CuEq. Inferred Resources are 367,000 tonnes containing 34.7 million lbs CuEq.
Rockcliff is a well-financed Canadian resource development and exploration company with a fully functional over 1,000 tonnes-per-day leased processing and tailings facility as well as several advance-staged, high-grade copper- and zinc-dominant VMS deposits in the Snow Lake area of central Manitoba. The company is a major landholder in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake greenstone belt, which is home to the largest Paleoproterozoic VMS district in the world, hosting mines and deposits containing copper, zinc, gold and silver.