Royal Fox drills 4.29 g/t gold over 21.5 metres at Philibert, Quebec

Royal Fox Gold Inc. [FOXG-TSXV; HBEXF-OTC] reported assay results for the Fennec Fox zone and the Fault zone from its 2022 campaign on the 100%-optioned Philibert gold deposit 60 km southwest of Chibougamau, Quebec.
Highlights include DDH PB-22-382 that returned 3.86 g/t gold over 15.0 metres from 198.0 to 213.0 metres including 6.71 g/t over 1 metre from 198.0 to 199.0 metres and 8.97 g/t gold over 1 metre from 207.0 to 208.0 metres from the Fault Zone.
DDH PB-22-379 returned 1.15 g/t gold over 19.4 metres from 167.6 to 187.0 metres including 3.81 g/t gold over 1 metre from 167.6 to 168.6 metres from the Fault Zone.
DDH PB-22-377 returned 4.29 g/t gold over 21.5 metres from 78.5 to 100.0 metres including 9.62 g/t gold over 7.0 metres from 78.5 to 85.5 metres and including 5.50 g/t gold over 3.0 metres from 90.5 to 93.5 metres from the Fennec Fox Zone.
DDH PB-22-415A returned 1.07 g/t gold over 25.0 metres from 186.0 to 211.0 metres including 3.25 g/t gold over 5.0 metres from 190.0 to 195.0 metres from the Fennec Fox Zone.
DDH PB-22-421 returned 1.13 g/t gold over 17.0 metres from 164.0 to 181.0 metres including 5.03 g/t gold over 1 metre from 165.0 to 166.0 metres from the Fennec Fox Zone.
DDH PB-22-355 returned 1.17 g/t gold over 15.8 metres from 34.0 to 49.8 metres including 2.83 g/t gold over 5.0 metres from 34.0 to 39.0 metres from the Fennec Fox Zone.
DDH PB-22-418 returned 1.41 g/t gold over 10.0 metres from 107.0 to 117.0 metres from Fennec Fox Zone.
Fifty-nine holes remain pending.
Simon Marcotte, President and CEO, commented, “The results from the Fault Zone demonstrate the potential for continued mineralization within the 300-metre gap between the northwestern and southeastern domains of the Philibert trend. We are optimistic that further work in the area will link mineralization of the northwest and southeast zones. Additionally, the high-grade results of hole PB-22-377, drilled in the northwestern limit of the Fennec Zone, highlight the opportunity to expand the near surface high grade mineralization along the Philibert trend.” Royal Fox is reporting results today for 18 drill holes, two of which tested the Fault Zone area and sixteen which tested the Fennec Fox Zone. Drilling tested mineralization over a 480-metre strike length and up to 250 metres vertical depth. The best hole reported today was drilled at the northwestern limit of the defined Fennec Fox Zone, where the late aged NE-SW oriented Obatogamau Fault transects the NW-SE oriented mineralized Philibert trend. Mineralization intersected in drill hole PB-22-377 represents a significant future target for the company to expand near surface high grade mineralization along the 3-kilometre Philibert trend. |