Sama Resources drills 0.30% nickel, 0.34% copper over 97.85 metres at Grata, Ivory Coast

Sama Resources Inc. [SME-TSXV; SAMMF-OTC] reported assay results from four additional drill holes from the 2021-22 drilling campaign at the Grata nickel-copper prospect, Ivory Coast, West Africa.
Sama drilled a total of 85 drill holes totalling 26,787 metres at the project in 2021-22, including 45 drill holes totaling 14,893 metres at the Grata prospect and 21 holes for 5,643 metres at the Samapleu deposit. The assay results for holes GR-24 to GR-26 and GR-28 at Grata are summarized in this release. Assays results for fourteen holes drilled at the Grata deposit are pending.
Highlights: Hole GR-26 intersected a total of 188 metres of mineralization including 80.75 metres grading 0.33% nickel, 0.40% copper and 0.30 g/t palladium; including 3.45 metres grading 1.45% nickel, 1.19% copper and 1.16 g/t palladium.
Hole GR-28 intersected 194 metres of mineralization, including 97.85 metres grading 0.30% nickel and 0.34% copper.
“Today’s drill results continue adding exceptionally thick nickel-copper-palladium mineralized intersections to further expand potential at the newly discovered Grata deposit. We look forward to following these results up with pending assays for the remaining fourteen holes drilled in 2022 at Grata,” stated Dr. Marc-Antoine Audet, President and CEO. Dr Audet added: “In 2023, Sama will be delivering additional metallurgical and technical studies at both the Samapleu and the newly discovered Grata deposits for a prospective nickel-copper-cobalt and palladium open pit operation.”
Sama’s Ivorian project is comprised of five exploration permits for 850 km2. More than 20 targets were outlined from geophysical surveys, out of which only three zones have been explored.
In September 2021, Sama announced the Grata discovery located 5 km east of the Samapleu deposit. The discovery hole, GR-03, drilled in June 2021, returned a 310-metre sequence of pyroxenite and gabbro containing a 147 metres interval of disseminated sulphides and several intersections of semi-massive sulphide mineralization.
The second hole, GR-04, confirmed the width of the mineralized zone with a 141-metre mineralized intersection, including 6.4 mietres grading 1.05% nickel, 1.28% and 0.48 g/t palladium and 6.6 metres grading 0.73% Ni, 0.38% Cu and 0.30 g/t Pd.
Previous intersections included hole GR-21 with a combined 191.70 metres of mineralized material, including 11.85 metres grading 0.82% Ni, 0.68% Cu and 0.99 g/t Pd and 108.20 metres at 0.32% Ni, 0.38% Cu and 0.50 g/t Pd.
This release discloses results for hole GR-25, which intersected a combined 179.85 metres of mineralization, including 37.40 metres at 0.24% Ni, 0.45% Cu and 0.54 g/t Pd and 116.95 metres at 0.23% Ni, 0.23% Cu and 0.32 g/t Pd and hole GR-28 returning 194 metres of combined mineralized zones including 97.85 metres grading 0.30% Ni, 0.34% Cu and 0.24 g/t Pd. GR-11 drilled in January 2022 along the same section returned 212 metres of combined mineralized zones, including 8.20 metres at 0.84% Ni, 1.10% Cu and 1.24 g/t Pd, with several narrow massive and semi-massive stringers scattered through the mineralized intervals.
The mineralization at Grata is similar in composition to the Samapleu deposit but shows a higher proportion of chalcopyrite. Metallurgical studies are ongoing using Grata and Samapleu material.
Sama’s goal is to increase mineral resources at Samapleu and Grata as well as searching for massive sulphide veins and lenses that could have accumulated at depth in traps and embayments along the feeder system of the Yacouba UM Intrusive Complex.
Sama’s projects are located approximately 600 km northwest of Abidjan in Cote d’Ivoire. Sama’s projects are located adjacent to the world-class nickel-cobalt laterite deposits of Sipilou and Foungouesso forming a 125-km long new Base Metal Camp in West Africa.
Sama owns 70% interest in the Ivory Coast project with its joint venture partner Ivanhoe Electric Inc. [IE-TSX] owning 30%. Ivanhoe Electric has the option to earn up to a 60% interest in the project.