Sanu Gold samples 1.1 g/t gold over 43 metres at Bantabaye, Guinea

Sanu Gold Corp. [SANU-CSE; SNGCF-OTCQB] reported first results from a channel sampling program at the company’s flagship Bantabaye gold exploration permit in Guinea, West Africa. The permit, which lies on the western margin of Guinea’s prolific Siguiri Basin, is located approximately 50 km south of the multi-million ounce Lefa Gold Mine and 80 km north of the multi-million ounce Bankan Gold Project.
Highlights: The first channel at Target 7 returned an average of 1.1 g/t gold over 43 metres, including 4.2 g/t gold over 6 metres (BANT-TR-1). The channel sampled strongly sheared and hydrothermally altered felsic volcanics and returned gold mineralization over its entire 43 metres length, with individual samples returning up to 13.5 g/t gold over 1 metre.
Channel BANT-TR-1 is located within the central part of Target 7, where initial drilling intersected gold mineralization along a 500 metres long section of the Tinkisso Fault, and rock chip samples from Target 7 returned grades of up to 25.2 g/t gold.
Martin Pawlitschek, president and CEO, commented: “Initial drilling at Bantabaye earlier this year was successful in intersecting broad zones of near-surface gold mineralization in three of the four target areas tested, including a high-grade discovery at Target 2, which is open in all directions, and a broad zone of gold mineralization at Target 7 that has been a focus for intense artisanal mining. During our current drill hiatus through the peak of the wet season, we have conducted follow up surface work in key areas to prioritize targets for our next phase of drilling. The results announced today are extremely encouraging and point to the potential of this extensive, structurally-hosted, gold mineralized corridor.”
Target 7: Channel BANT-TR-01 sampled a 43 m long extent of saprolitized bedrock at 1-metre intervals at Target 7 from new exposures created by the construction of drill roads and pads. The objective of this sampling was to further test the mineralized felsic intrusive intersected by the first phase of reverse circulation (RC) drilling.
The northeast trending channel contains highly sheared, strongly hydrothermally altered and locally brecciated felsic intrusive with quartz veinlet stockworks and boxwork after sulphide. All samples from the channel returned gold values above detection limit, with 13 of 43 samples returning grades above 1.0 g/t gold, including 13.5 g/t gold over 1 metre, 5.1 g/t gold over 1 metre and 3.1 g/t gold over 1 metre.
In addition, eight rock chip samples were collected from saprolitized felsic intrusive rock at Target 7 in proximity to BANT-TR-1 and returned gold values of up to 25.2 g/t gold, 5.2 g/t gold and 1.6 g/t gold. The rock chip samples were comprised of highly sheared, hydrothermally altered and locally brecciated felsic intrusive with stringers of quartz veinlets and boxwork after sulphide.
Gold mineralization at Target 7 is associated with a northwest striking and shallowly southwest dipping felsic intrusive that extends for over 500 metres along strike and 150 metres in width. As previously announced, the Company has drilled a total of 1,603 metres in 14 RC holes at Target 7.
Highlights from this drilling included 0.91 g/t gold over 9 metres, including 1.55 g/t gold over 1 metre and 2.11 g/t gold over 2 metres (BANT-RC-23), and 0.87 g/t gold over 13 metres, including 1.65 g/t gold over 3 metres and further downhole 3.47 g/t gold over 1 metre (BANT-RC-22)2.
Target 7 is located within a 700-metre long area extensively worked by small-scale artisanal miners. Drilling to date at this target has not intersected the high-grade mineralization exploited by artisanal miners and it is interpreted that the relatively shallow drilling completed to date has been exclusively within areas where the high-grade mineralization has been mined out.
Results from BANT-TR-01 and high-grade gold values in rock chips samples, combined with initial drill results from Target 7 confirm the presence of an extensive gold mineralized corridor associated with altered and deformed felsic intrusive rock. Mineralization is open in all directions and ongoing work is focused on delineating targets for the next phase of drilling at Bantabaye.
Located within Guinea’s Siguiri Basin, a world class gold district that is host to several operating mines and major new discoveries, Sanu Gold is exploring three high quality gold exploration permits. The company is targeting multi-million ounce gold deposits and has discovered high grade gold mineralization in the inaugural drill programs at both Bantabaye and Daina.