Sokoman and Benton discover high-grade cesium mineralization on Island of Newfoundland

Sokoman Minerals Corp. [SIC-TSXV; SICNF-OTCQB] and Benton Resources Inc. [BEX-TSXV] together, (the Alliance) are pleased to announce the discovery of a high-grade cesium-rich dyke with grab samples assaying up to 1.56% Cs2O (cesium oxide), 0.4% Li2O (lithium oxide), 0.022% Ta2O5 (tantalum pentoxide), and 0.30% Rb2O (rubidium oxide). This is the first high-grade cesium mineralization recorded on the Golden Hope Alliance property, Island of Newfoundland.
The cesium-rich dyke is approximately 5-6 metre wide and has been traced for approximately 100 metres along strike to where it disappears under overburden in both directions. The dyke is located approximately 12 km northeast of the Kraken lithium discovery. The Alliance has completed first-pass channel sampling across the dyke with results pending.
The cesium-rich dyke is distinctly different from the main Kraken field containing very coarse, as well as fine-grained phases, with the coarse phase a dark grey quartz (+/- pollucite), coarse green mica, and large (20 cm – 30 cm) grey/white blocky plagioclase crystals. Samples have been shipped to Vancouver Petrographics for thin sectioning and mineral identification.
Detailed mapping, as well as additional sampling, will be conducted once the channel results are received. The results below are values for random grab samples taken along a 15-metre portion of the cesium-rich dyke, the only results to date. Results of the petrographic examination and the channel sample values will be released as they are received.
Reconnaissance grab sampling results for the Golden Hop joint venture included sample 883651 that returned 259 ppm cesium 0.027% Cs2O, 300 ppm lithium, 0.06% Li2O, 176 ppm tantalum, 0.021% Ta2O5, 526 ppm rubidium and 0.057% Rb2O.
Sample 883652 returned >5000 ppm cesium 1.56% Cs2O, 1850 ppm lithium, 0.40% Li2O, 180 ppm tantalum, 0.022% Ta2O5, 2790 ppm rubidium and 0.03% Rb2O.
Sample 883653 returned 1110 ppm cesium, 0.12% Cs2O, 1650 ppm lithium, 0.35% Li2O, 203 ppm tantalum, 0.025% Ta2O5, 2390 ppm rubidium and 0.26% Rb2O.
Sample 883654 returned >5000 ppm cesium, 0.52% Cs2O, 769 ppm lithium, 0.16% Li2O, 174 ppm tantalum, 0.021% Ta2O5, 1090 ppm rubidium and 0.12% Rb2O.
Sample 883655 returned 1990 ppm cesium, 0.21% Cs2O, 595 ppm lithium, 0.13% Li2O, 120 ppm tantalum, 0.015% Ta2O5, 3230 ppm rubidium and 0.35% Rb2O.
Sample 883656 returned >5000 ppm cesium, 0.77& Cs2O, 250 ppm lithium, 0.05% Li2O, 174 ppm tantalum, 0.021% Ta2O5, 290 ppm rubidium and 0.03% Rb2O.
Cesium is rare globally. The United States and Canada have included cesium, lithium, and tantalum (among others) in their lists of Critical Minerals / Elements since each of them has been identified as being essential to the economy and national security. At this point in time there are only two pegmatite mines globally that produce cesium: Bitika, Zimbawe (currently not producing) and Sinclair, Australia.
The Alliance also announces that Phase 3 drilling will start in the next few days on the Kraken main dyke and the western extension areas where prospecting samples have given values >1% Li2O. Approximately 20 holes are planned.
The Alliance is extremely pleased with the continued success on the Golden Hope Project and the new discovery of cesium along with lithium, tantalum, and rubidium in an area far removed from the original Kraken discovery. Given the results to date, the Alliance is confident that ongoing prospecting and soil geochemistry surveys will make more discoveries along the 100%-owned, 60 km long, structural trend hosting the Kraken and cesium-rich dykes.
Timothy Froude, P. Geo., President and CEO of Sokoman stated: “The LCT (Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum) potential of the Golden Hope Project continues to prove itself. With this news of the discovery of significant cesium as well as anomalous values of other critical metals, Golden Hope has evolved into a potentially significant host to many metals in high demand to power and build the new economy. We are also pleased to resume drilling in the main Kraken field, in particular to the west of the discovery area where no drilling has taken place to date and where strong soil geochemistry as well as multiple >1% Li2O samples were collected. In the meantime, soil sampling along the 60-km trend controlled by the Alliance will continue until the closure of the camp for the holiday break.”
Stephen Stares, President and CEO of Benton stated: “The Golden Hope Project continues to deliver exceptional new discoveries and results. I’m extremely excited and encouraged that we have located further new high-grade LCT-type pegmatites and I’m confident we will make more new discoveries as we continue with our aggressive exploration plans.”