South Atlantic drills 32.6 g/t gold over 3 metres at Pedra Branca, Brazil

South Atlantic Gold Inc.‘s [SAO-TSXV; JLRRF-OTC] phase 2 exploration program is proceeding well and early results demonstrated a high-grade sample of 96.04 g/t gold over one metre at the Barra Nova target, Brazil. This assay result (which was re-assayed), among others highlighted below, are confirming mineralization along 40 km of the regional strike length, and to the south of the initial Pedra Branca resource.
Douglas Meirelles, CEO, stated, “We planned Phase II on the basis of two main goals, being the first goal to maintain the tenements in good standing with the Brazilian Mining Agency. I am happy with the progress we have made so far and expect that all due reports to the ANM will be delivered on time. The second goal is to identify more areas of interest and continuous mineralization in the southern portion of the tenement areas. So far, we have identified encouraging early trench results that demonstrate bedrock mineralization along the targeted structure, extending the mineralized trend beyond the areas of the current resource. In conjunction with the current trenching program and part of the Phase II, we are quoting an airborne geophysical program over the strike extensions of the known mineralization that will further highlight, rank, and prioritize the targets of the Pedra Branca asset.”
The Phase II exploration program has commenced and its trenching program consists of 47 trenches representing a total of 9,880 metres. These trenches are part of the entire program, which seeks to systematically prove the mineralized extensions of the current trends along the southern areas of the Pedra Branca tenement package.
To date, the company reports the following highlighted results, averaging 20 km south and along the trend of the current resource at Coelhos-Quemadas. At the Barra Nova target, the following trench results were intercepted, including 3 metres grading 32.63 g/t gold, including 1 metre grading 96.04 g/t gold and 1 metres grading 1.58 g/t gold.
At the Cachoeirinha target, trench results returned 8 metres grading 0.94 g/t gold, including 2 metres grading 3.3 g/t gold, 2 metres of 0.47 g/t gold, and 8 metres of 0.59 g/t gold, including 2 metres grading 1.75 g/t gold.
At the Muquem Norte target, trench results returned 2 metres grading 0.59 g/t gold and 2 metres grading 0.54 g/t gold.
Over 200 samples have had positive results above our threshold of 50 parts per billion or 0.05 g/t gold. This indicates that all the tenements we explored so far are demonstrating the potential of the continuous mineralization in the known trends. Detailed results can be seen on the company press release.
The original high-grade sample that triggered the re-assay was taken from the PB-TR-047 trench located within the Barra Nova target from 20 to 21 metres along the trench (sample number 7133). Because this sample was so much greater than previous samples, a nugget effect and/or free gold was suspected. The re-analysis divides the sample into two granulometric fractions, one greater than 150 microns and the other smaller than 150 microns. The test is conducted with a large, one-kilogram sample using a metallic screen to divide the sample into the sizes to be assayed. The purpose of this process is to provide sample heterogeneity to minimize the nugget effect. |
The result confirms the high-grade of the duplicate and illustrates that approximately 46.8% of the gold content is associated with 3.33% of the mass of the duplicate. Provided future studies are conducted, there is the possibility of using gravimetric recovery in this area of the Pedra Branca project.
South Atlantic’s flagship asset is the 100%-owned Pedra Branca project, located 280 km southwest of Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil.