Sun Metals drills 4.45 metres of 12.14% CuEq at Stardust, BC

Diamond drill core from the Sun Metals Stardust Project in north-central British Columbia. Source: Sun Metals Corp.
Sun Metals Corp. [SUNM-TSXV] reported additional high-grade drill results from the Stardust Project that extends the known plunge length of the 421 zone to 425 metres. The 100%-owned Stardust Project is located in north-central British Columbia, 250 km northwest of the city of Prince George.
Drill hole DDH20-SD-464D returned 12.14% copper equivalent (CuEq) over 4.45 metres. This drill hole is a 45-metre stepout from hole DDH20-SD-456M and demonstrates that high-grade mineralization continues up plunge to the south from prior drilling, opening up room for continuing resource growth. This impressive intersection now extends the plunge length of the 421 zone and indicates that the system is open for further expansion. The drill hole returned 12.14% CuEq over 4.45 metres grading 5.58% copper, 5.99 g/t gold and 190.5 g/t silver from 614.25 metres.
Director Dr. Mark O’Dea commented: “The Stardust deposit, and in particular the 421 zone discovered by Sun Metals in 2018, is one of the highest-grade copper-gold systems discovered in Canada over the past decade. The team has had tremendous success in building continuity and demonstrating consistency of tenor from surface down to 900 metres in depth. And importantly, the Stardust mineral system remains open for expansion. With the recent merger announcement between Sun Metals and Serengeti Resources, we look forward to showcasing the compelling exploration and development synergies that we believe exist between the Stardust and adjacent Kwanika deposits.”
“Sun Metals continues to intersect high-grade copper and gold mineralization as we test further south within the 421 zone,” said Ian Neill, vice-president, exploration. “The intersection at depth in hole DDH20-SD-468, over 225 metres away from the high-grade interval reported in hole DDH20-SD-464D, indicates this entire area has potential to host significant mineralization. The continued high grades are the key. This area lies stratigraphically below the historic Canyon Creek zone and is virtually untested by historic drilling.”
A total of 11,988 metres of drilling were completed in 17 drill holes with 3,147 samples shipped to the lab. Lab turnaround time has been significantly negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Including the four holes reported here, results from 14 drill holes have been received at the time of this release. The remaining results will be reported when they are received from the lab.