Talisker Resources prepares preliminary mine plan for Bralorne project, British Columbia

Talisker Resources Ltd. [TSK-TSX; TSKFF-OTCQX] has completed the preliminary mine plan for its 100%-owned Bralorne gold project, southwest British Columbia, defining development for test stopes in year one and year two.
Talisker will be submitting a notice of alteration (NOA) for the existing M-207 major mines permit, which will include the mine plan and schedule for the Mustang mine where test mining is projected to begin in Q2 2024.
Next steps to test mining: NOA submittal to contain the preliminary mine plan for test mining at the Mustang mine, in accordance with Talisker’s existing M-207 major mines permit; enlarge the portal entrance to four metres by four m in Q4 2023; increase the access ramp dimensions to 4 metres by 4 metres upon completion of portal entrance; new development to gain access to the Alhambra vein and BK-9870 vein ore zones on multiple levels, starting in Q1 2024; and test mining using long-hole stoping method to begin Q2 2024.
Terry Harbort, President and CEO of Talisker, stated, “We are excited to be commencing this next phase of corporate growth at Talisker with mine development to gain access to our next couple of years of production. The increased dimensions of the portal and decline ramp will allow Talisker to move to a greater production rate in a shorter timeline than previously planned.”
Talisker’s projects include the Bralorne Gold Complex and the Ladner Gold Project, both advanced stage projects with significant exploration potential from historical high-grade producing gold mines, as well as its Spences Bridge Project where the company holds ~85% of the emerging Spences Bridge Gold Belt, and several other early-stage Greenfields projects. With its properties comprising 291,392 hectares over 487 claims, three leases and 197 crown grant claims, Talisker is a dominant exploration player in south-central British Columbia.