Talon Metals drills 4.44 metres of 37.56% CuEq at Tamarack, Minnesota

Talon Metals Corp. [TLO-TSX] provided an update on the Tamarack nickel-copper-cobalt project, located in Minnesota, United States.
Assay results are from three additional drill holes in the CGO West area (outside of the Tamarack Nickel Project’s resource area).
Drill hole 21TK0330 intersected 4.44 metse (14.6 feet) of mixed and massive nickel-copper mineralization grading 7.97% nickel, 11.25% copper (14.08% nickel equivalent or 37.56% copper equivalent) starting at only 269.13 metres.
This represents the highest nickel and copper grades ever assayed at the Tamarack Nickel Project: Example of high-grade massive sulphide grading 12.1% nickel, 16.15% copper (19.35% NiEq or 51.61% CuEq) (Drill hole 21TK0330).
Breaking it down, drill hole 21TK0330 returned 4.44 metres of 7.97% nickel, 11.25% copper, 0.09% cobalt, 2.72 g/t palladium, 3.21 g/t platinum and 2.98 g/t gold, including 1.43 metres of 11.29% nickel, 16.33% copper, 0.14% cobalt, 3.23 g/t palladium, 2.90 g/t platinum and 1.62 g/t gold, including 0.71 metres of 12.1% nickel, 16.15% copper, 0.16% cobalt, 3.25 g/t palladium, 1.18 g/t platinum and 1.21 g/t gold.
Drill hole 21TK0317 intersected 5.23 metres (17.2 feet) of mixed and massive nickel-copper mineralization grading 5.29% Ni, 2.13% Cu, 0.13% Co, 0.17g/t Pd, 0.17 g/t Pt and 0.08 g/t Au (6.36% NiEq or 16.97% CuEq) starting at only 247.97 metres.
In addition, drill hole 21TK0317 also intersected 9.74 metres (32.0 feet) grading 0.71% Ni, 0.46% Cu, 0.02% Co, 0.09 g/t Pd, 0.13 g/t Pt and 0.08 g/t Au (0.96% NiEq or 2.57 % CuEq) starting at 212.21 metres.
Drill hole 21TK0323 intersected 13.25 metres (43.5 feet) of mixed and massive nickel-copper mineralization grading 3.97% Ni, 1.48% Cu, 0.12% Co, 0.22 g/t Pd, 0.28 g/t Pt and 0.10 g/t Au (4.82% NiEq or 12.85% CuEq) starting at only 190.75 meters.
The CGO West area lies approximately 100 meters north-north-east of the Tamarack Nickel Project’s resource area and extends for an additional 400 meters where drilling shows the presence of shallow, high-grade nickel-copper mineralization. Talon has previously reported 18 drill holes within the CGO West area, all of which have intersected nickel-copper mineralization. Talon is in a joint venture with Rio Tinto on the high-grade Tamarack Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project, comprised of the Tamarack North Project and the Tamarack South Project. Talon has an earn-in to acquire up to 60% of the Tamarack Project. The Tamarack Project comprises a large land position (18km of strike length) with numerous high-grade intercepts outside the current resource area.Grade is ‘king’ in mining, and our recent drill results of 8% to 12% nickel and 11% to 16% copper could be a king maker,” said Brian Goldner, Vice President of Exploration. Goldner continued: “Not only are we proving a new dimension of the Tamarack Intrusive Complex with these best-ever drill results at the newly discovered CGO West location, but we are also showing that the mineralization is shallow and large scale. The more we drill, the more we understand how the Tamarack Nickel Project can be a vital source of strength for the US EV battery supply chain.”