Tectonic drills 59.4 g/t gold over 1.53 metres at Seventymile, Alaska
Tectonic Metals Inc. [TECT-TSXV; TETOF-OTCQB] reported drill assay results from the 2022 Reverse Circulation (RC) drill program at the company’s Seventymile Gold Project, an underexplored >40-km long late Paleozoic greenstone belt located in eastern Alaska.
Tectonic’s drill program was very focused and consisted of nine holes over 1,412 metres with all holes intersecting gold mineralization, including a drill highlight hole of 59.4 g/t over 1.53 metres. RC drilling was conducted primarily at the Flanders prospect, with wide-spaced drilling targeting analogous stratigraphic-structural settings at the Alder, Bonanza and Flume prospects.
Tony Reda, President & CEO, commented: “The results of the targeted 2022 RC drill program validate Tectonic’s exploration rationale of targeting the high iron basalt in proximity to structural contacts as the preferential site for gold mineralization along the >8km Flume trend, host to four known mineralized zones all open along strike and at depth. This validation of our exploration model will give us the ability to focus, refine and vector our exploration efforts more efficiently going forward, both as we continue to expand the known mineralized zones and search for additional mineralized centres in areas of cover along the Flume trend.”
Other drill results include 59.40 g/t gold over 1.53 metres, 2.71 g/t gold over 4.57 metres, 3.00 g/t gold over 4.57 metres and 1.68 g/t gold over 13.71 metres.
The Seventymile Gold Project represents an exciting and unique opportunity: an underexplored >40 km long greenstone belt in a Tier 1 jurisdiction. Seventymile comprises approximately 150,000 acres of Native-Owned Land with numerous gold zones delineated by reconnaissance drilling, trenching and soil and rock sampling.
Tectonic’s 2022 Seventymile drill program targeted mostly the Flanders prospect with one reconnaissance drill hole each at the Alder, Bonanza and Flume prospects. The prospects are all situated within the highly prospective 8km-long Flume orogenic gold trend located in the northwestern region of the property. The mineralized zones within the Flume Trend contain mostly shallowly-dipping tension vein swarms where limited historical diamond drilling in 1990 and 2000 demonstrated the presence of high gold grades and significant strike potential. Tectonic’s exploration campaigns over the years validated and proved the continuity of these mineralized structures across the >8 km Flume Trend.
At Flanders, six 2022 drill holes tested an interpreted west-north-west striking, steeply north-dipping structural contact over a strike length of 450 metres. All holes confirmed the contact zone and encountered gold mineralization hosted in high iron basalts proximal to the contact or within interpreted tension veins in the high Fe basalt rock mass. High-tenor gold mineralization at Flanders appears to be almost exclusively hosted within a high iron basalt unit.
To date, 35 drill holes (4,3864m total) comprised mostly of historical diamond drilling followed by limited Tectonic Rotary Air Blast (RAB) and RC drilling, have now been drilled at Flanders. Historic and Tectonic drill highlights include: 104.75 g/t Au over 1.52m, 5.30 g/t Au over 15.24m, 16.58 g/t Au over 1.21m, 6.80 g/t Au over 2.14m, 10.26 g/t Au over 1.31m, 4.38 g/t Au over 6.1m and 59.4 g/t Au over 1.53m.
22 out of the 35 drill holes totaling 2,980 metres penetrated or intersected the high iron basalt unit, which hosts the vast majority of high-tenor intercepts, interpreted as steeply dipping shear zones and shallow north dipping tension veins.
The high Fe basalt unit strikes west-north-west and appears to have a steep overall dip. To date, gold mineralization has been drilled within the unit over a strike length of 560 metres and a maximum depth of 250 metres vertically, with the majority of drilling being above 100m vertically. The high Fe basalt and gold-bearing veins remain open for drill testing to depth, along strike to the east and down plunge to the west.
At Flume, to date, a total of 11 drill holes (956m total) comprised mostly of historical diamond drilling and limited Tectonic RAB and RC drilling returned drill highlights of 4.05 g/t Au over 3.65m, 2.08 g/t Au over 10.37m, 3.46 g/t Au m over 4.57m and 1.98 g/t Au over 10.67m outlining 275m mineralization strike to a maximum depth of 100m.
Located some 6 km west-north-west of Flanders, 2022 drill hole SMRC22-009 was drilled to a depth of 94.9m before being lost due to excess water. The hole encountered multiple zones of altered, veined high iron basalt, which returned highlight intervals of 1.68 g/t Au over 13.71m from 25.91, 3.46 g/t Au m over 4.57m from 76.20and 1.98 g/t Au over 10.67m from 83.82m.