Thunder Gold reports multiple surface rock samples up to 13.2 g/t gold at Tower Mountain, Ontario

Thunder Gold Corp. [TSXV: TGOL; FSE: Z25; OTCQB: TGOLF], formerly White Metal Resources Corp., provided the following update on exploration activity at its 100%-owned, 2,500-hectare, Tower Mountain Gold Property, located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, 50 km west of the port city of Thunder Bay, northern Ontario.
Highlights: Surface rock samples have returned values ranging from 0.75 g/t to 13.4 g/t gold within a silicified, pyrite-rich monzonite intrusive at the P-Target (P Zone), along the eastern contact of the Tower Mountain Intrusive Complex (TMIC); 1,000 metres of trail access to the P-Target has been established.
600m2Â of outcrop has been stripped and 65 linear metres of trenching have been completed at the P-Target exposing a 15-metre wide mineralized and silicified monzonite along an interpreted 75-metre strike length.
Detailed mapping and continuous saw-cut channel sampling of the P-Target is complete, and assay results are pending.
A man-portable diamond drill has been mobilized and a series of shallow drill holes are underway, testing the P-Target below the cut channel samples.
Soil geochemical sampling over 60% of the 100% owned claim bock (1,500 ha) is complete and assay results are expected in November.
Reconnaissance mapping and sampling of the Thunder Lake and Crayfish fault corridors is ongoing and,
Detailed metallurgical and mineralogical study of representative, composite samples, collected from historical drill core along the western contact of the TMIC is in progress with an estimated completion in December.
Approximately 1,000 metres of trail has been established accessing the P-Target. Historical rock sampling (by others) indicates high tenor gold in rock grab samples persist along approximately 150 metres of strike length. Historical results ranged from 1.58 to 27.2 g/t Au (averaging ~ 6.0 g/t Au). These initial results are an order-of-magnitude higher than any other surface target identified to date within the 100%-owned property.
Approximately 600 square metres of outcrop has been stripped to date. Eight priority rock grab samples, collected from the newly exposed mineralized monzonite returned values ranging from 0.75 g/t to 13.4 g/t Au (average 4.82 g/t Au) across an approximate 15.0 metre width perpendicular to the interpreted east-west trend defined by the historical sampling.
Detailed mapping has identified a sulphid-rich silicified monzonite, elongated along an east-west axis, within a larger syenite intrusive unit. The mineralized monzonite varies from 12-15 metres in width. The mineralized intrusive is truncated to the west by a later gabbroic intrusive but the historical surface rock grab samples suggest that the mineralized monzonite may continue to the west beyond the exposed gabbro. To the east, a 65-metre-long trench completed 50 metres to the southeast of the stripped outcrop, intersected the southern contact of the mineralized monzonite, suggesting a strike length of 75 metres.
Three parallel, continuous, saw-cut channel sample lines have been completed. The channels are oriented perpendicular to the observed strike of the mineralized monzonite. Assay results are expected by the end of November. Based on the promising visual observations, the Company has deployed the recently purchased, man-portable diamond drill to complete shallow holes under the P-target channel samples. The current plan is to complete a series of shallow holes (less than 40 metres depth), probing the mineralized monzonite below the channel samples. Drilling will continue until cold weather affects drilling productivity.
Wes Hanson, President and CEO stated, “We made the decision to deploy capital from our latest financing where it offers the most potential benefit to our shareholders, exploring our 100%-owned property offering the potential for a large-tonnage gold discovery immediately adjacent to built, provincially maintained, infrastructure. The soil geochemistry, accessing and stripping of the P-Target announced earlier were completed on time and on budget. The P-target is our first look at the unexplored eastern perimeter of the TMIC. Visual observations have exceeded even our most optimistic expectations, and we have decided to immediately deploy our man-portable diamond drill to test the P-Target below surface rather than delay drilling to await the results of the channel sampling. Our current plan is to complete as many shallow drill holes as possible along the exposed mineralized intrusive with step out holes to the east and west, weather permitting.
The initial soil geochemical sampling is complete and assay results are pending. The soil geochemical sampling covers the northern half of the 100%-owned Tower Mountain Property. Sample lines were spaced 200 metres apart with samples collected every 50 metres along each line providing approximately 1,500 ha of coverage. Once results are received, the company will interpret the results in conjunction with pre-existing geophysical surveys to identify and prioritize targets for future drilling.
Metallurgical and mineralogical studies of representative samples collected from the eastern margin of the TMIC are in progress. The work, performed by SGS Canada, is expected to be complete in December.
The 100%-owned Tower Mountain Gold Property is located adjacent to the Trans-Canada highway, approximately 50-km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The 2,500-hectare property surrounds the largest, exposed, intrusive complex in the eastern Shebandowan Greenstone Belt where most known gold occurrences have been described as occurring either within, or proximal to, intrusive rocks. Gold at Tower Mountain is localized within extremely altered rocks parallel to the western contact of the intrusive center. Drilling has established anomalous gold extending out from the intrusive contact for over 500 metres along a 1,500-metre strike length, to depths of over 500 metres from surface. The remaining 75% of the perimeter surrounding the intrusion shows identical geology, alteration, and geophysical response, offering a compelling exploration opportunity.