Tower Resources drills 1.55 g/t gold over 138 metres at Rabbit North, British Columbia

Tower Resources Ltd. [TWR-TSXV; TWRFF-OTC] reported gold assays for the first two of the six follow-up holes drilled in April on the recently discovered Lightning zone on the 100%-owned Rabbit North property near Kamloops, British Columbia, between New Gold’s New Afton underground copper-gold mine and Teck’s Highland Valley open pit copper-molybdenum mine.
The two new holes, RN22-028 and 029, were drilled on a section 50 metres northeast of discovery hole 026 which intersected 1.40 g/t gold over 95 metres, including 4.21 g/t gold over 19.2 metres. They were drilled toward one another in scissors fashion, at right angles to the inferred northeasterly (40 degrees) strike of the shear-hosted Lightning zone, with the objective of determining its dip. Hole 028 was drilled to the southeast (130 degrees) while hole 029 was drilled to the northwest (310 degrees). Both holes passed completely through the zone, thereby establishing not only its dip, which is essentially vertical, but also its true thickness which is a remarkable 40 metres.
Hole 028 was drilled very steeply at negative 80 degrees and thus cut the gold zone obliquely, increasing the length of the mineralized interval. It averaged 1.55 g/t gold over 138.0 metres, including 4.76 g/t gold over 24.5 metres, with both grades being a little higher than those of the comparable intervals in the discovery hole. The gold grade is remarkably uniform with only one high assay (43.6 g/t) over one oz/ton (34.37 g/t) from 119 consecutive samples across the zone. The hole exited the southeast side of the gold zone at a vertical depth of 174 metres, demonstrating that the zone continues uninterrupted to depth.
Hole 029 was drilled at a more moderate dip of negative 60 degrees and thus crossed the gold zone more squarely. The gold grade again increased slightly, averaging 1.78 g/t over 70.5 metres, including 4.92 g/t over 13.5 metres. A satellite zone approximately 10 metres northwest of the main zone averaged 0.93 g/t gold over 16.0 metres.
Stu Averill, geologist, commented: “It’s unusual to hit such extensive mineralization with the first drill holes in a shear-hosted deposit but what really stands out is the consistency of the gold grade. We angled the holes through the zone in completely different directions yet got essentially the same results, even in the higher-grade subzone.”
Joe Dhami, president, added: “Our gold discovery has many positive features but the most important is its location between two active mines in the great Kamloops mining district. There is probably no other area in B.C. with better access, more mining infrastructure and lower development costs.”
The gold assays from the four remaining holes are being received in several batches and will require a thorough review prior to their release. Two separate releases may be required.