Trans Canada Gold acquires Gold Crow property, NW Ontario

Trans Canada Gold Corp. [TTG-TSXV] has purchased a 100% interest, subject to a 3% net smelter return royalty in the Gold Crow gold property (15,185 hectares or 37,500 acres), by paying $75,000 and issuing 4,000,000 shares of the company. The Gold Crow Gold Project is a district-scale gold and magmatic copper-nickel-cobalt property, with the potential for the discovery of further high-grade gold and copper-nickel-cobalt, and straddles both the north trend and the south trend of the Misehkow arm of the Pickle Lake greenstone belt situated near Pickle Lake, northwest Ontario.
The Pickle Lake gold belt has hosted 3 million ounces of historic gold production from five underground mines with average recovered grades ranging from 9.0 to 23.89 g/t gold. The Gold Crow property is accessible via float plane and helicopter, and has easy access to the community of Pickle Lake, Ontario, and has a close proximity to several First Nations communities, including New Osnaburgh, Ontario. Exploration activities for the entire project area are expected to be fully permitted for 2021-22.
Tim Coupland, President and CEO, commented, “Our team is extremely excited about adding this high-grade gold and Magmatic-Copper-Nickel-Cobalt exploration asset to our growing gold asset portfolio situated in Canada. The Gold Crow Gold Project has encountered in historical drilling, the existence of high-grade gold and multiple high-grade drill targets situated in banded iron formations, as well as magmatic copper-nickel- cobalt mineralization in gabbro that are drill ready, situated on the Gold Crow property. We believe having many historical past gold producers to the north of our property, and the elevated gold system situated on the property has the potential to develop sizeable zones of gold mineralization. We have always been excited about the project potential and the fact the property has previously encountered high-grade and visible gold in core in prior exploration drilling.”
A NI-43-101 compliant technical report on the Gold Crow Property has been commissioned.