Turmalina Metals drills 2.36 g/t AuEq over 70.15 metres at Chanape, Peru

Turmalina Metals Corp. [TBX-TSXV; TBXXF-OTCQX; 3R1-FSE] reported final results from the 2022 diamond drilling program at the 100%-optioned Chanape project, located 87 km east of Lima, Peru.
Drilling has continued to intersect extensive gold-silver-copper mineralization in the breccias tested by the company. This release summarizes the final three holes of Turmalina’s first phase of drilling on the project totalling 549 metres of the 2,257-metre program.
See Turmalina’s press release dated November 15, 2022, for the results of the initial four holes (1,003.7 m) and the press release of December 14, 2022, for the results of the second batch of four holes (704.8 m).
This first phase of drilling has delivered multiple high-grade results from multiple breccia targets and will be used to guide additional drilling in an upcoming phase 2 in 2023.
Selected intercepts from the most recent drilling include Breccia 8 that returned 49.05 metres at 1.14 g/t gold (Au), 20 g/t silver (Ag) and 0.34% copper (Cu) (1.9 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) or 1.3% copper equivalent (CuEq)) – CHT-DDH-043 from 59.65 metres, including 12.3 metres at 1.95 g/t Au, 29 g/t Ag and 0.44% Cu, (3 g/t AuEq or 2% CuEq), from 94.7 metres; 70.15 metres at 1.01 g/t Au, 20 g/t Ag and 0.75% Cu (2.4 g/t AuEq or 1.6% CuEq) – CHT-DDH-044 from 64.2 metres, including
10.7 metres at 2.34 g/t Au, 15 g/t Ag and 0.86% Cu (3.8 g/t AuEq or 2.6% CuEq), from 86.05 metres; and 24.55 metres at 1.04 g/t Au, 41 g/t Ag and 1.40% Cu (3.6 g/t AuEq or 2.5% CuEq), from 109.8 metres.
Breccia Clint: 30.63 metres at 0.54 g/t Au, 33 g/t Ag and 1.65% Cu (3.4 g/t AuEq or 2.3% CuEq) – CHT-DDH-044 from 173.3 metres, including 12.07 metres at 0.64 g/t Au, 48 g/t Ag and 2.01% Cu (4.2 g/t AuEq or 2.9% CuEq), from 191.86 metres.
The Chanape project is characterized by multiple tourmaline gold-silver-copper (Au-Ag-Cu) breccia pipes, with over 50 identified to date. The first 8 holes of this 2,257-metre drill program tested Breccia 8, Breccias 10 & 11, Breccia Clint, the San Antonio Breccia and Veta Colorada. This release summarizes the results from holes CHT-DDH-042, CHT-DDH-043 and CHT-DDH-044.
CHT-DDH-042 tested a possible extension of Breccia 8, downdip from hole CHT-DDH-034, but did not intercept the breccia. Hole CHT-DDH-043 was drilled from the same platform as CHT-DDH-042, with a different azimuth, and intercepted the down-dip extension of Breccia 8. Drill hole CHT-DDH-044 tested both Breccia 8 and the adjacent Breccia Clint and confirmed the high-grade copper mineralization intersected previously at Breccia Clint by hole CHT-DDH-041.
James Rogers, CEO, stated: “The final results from the Chanape 2022 program have continued to deliver high grade intercepts across multiple mineralized breccias. The team has done an excellent job carrying out this program and we are excited to follow up on these excellent results in 2023.”
The 677 ha Chanape copper-gold project is accessed via 24km of unpaved road from Turmalina’s operational centre in the town of San Damian. The project contains several strongly mineralised tourmaline breccia pipes that are clustered around a large, mineralized copper-molybdenum intrusion. Historical drill holes have confirmed mineralization on breccia pipes and recent surface geological mapping have added new mineralized bodies for follow-up.
Turmalina’s work to date has been focused on interpreting historic work while mapping and sampling over 50 documented tourmaline breccias and epithermal veins at the project and drill-testing the best targets. A phreato-magmatic breccia, measuring 700 by 200 metres has also been identified as a potential target for bulk tonnage mineralization, with gold anomalism coincident with a geophysical anomaly (IP).