Valore Metals drills 2.30 g/t 2PGE+gold over 10 metres at Pedra Branca, Brazil

Valore Metals Corp. [VO-TSXV; KVLQF-OTCQB; KEQ0-FSE] reported auger and rock assay results from the Synform target at the 100%-owned Pedra Branca platinum group elements (PGE, 2PGE+Au) project in northeastern Brazil.
“Valore’s exploration team continues to advance the pipeline targets at the Pedra Branca Project through targeted geochemical sampling, and subsequent Trado(TM) augering and trenching,” stated Valore’s VP of Exploration, Colin Smith. “Valore’s methodology has advanced four priority targets to a drill-ready stage: Galante, Troia, Nambi and Ipueiras. Exploration is ongoing at several additional targets along the prospective mafic-ultramafic Troia Unit, including Synform, an extension to Massape, Pitombeiras and Talhado, with partial assays reported here.”
Trado (TM) Auger PGE Highlights: 10 metres of 2.30 g/t palladium plus platinum plus gold (g/t 2PGE+Au) from 0, including 2 metres of 9.47 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23SY02 at Synform Target; 8 metres of 0.64 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres, including 2 metres of 1.44 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23SY03 at Synform Target.
Rock Assay PGE Highlights: 14.95 g/t 2PGE+Au in Rock sample 103556 at Synform Target.
A total of 1,049 soil samples and 195 rock samples have been collected to date in 2023, the results of which have guided follow-up Trado augering and trenching programs. Valore crews have completed 268 metres of Trado augering in 67 holes, with 207 metres of ultramafics intercepted and 284 samples submitted for assay. Trenching totals include 219 metres excavated in 2 trenches, with 183 metres of ultramafics exposed and 219 samples submitted for assay.
Synform Target: Historical high-grade geochemical anomaly confirmed by Trado auger and rock assay results. Follow-up trenching is in progress.
Trado Auger PGE Highlights: 10 metres of 2.30 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres, including 2 metres of 9.47 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23SY02; 8 metres of 0.64 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres, including 2 metres of 1.44 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23SY03.
Rock Assay PGE Highlights: 14.95 g/t 2PGE+Au in Rock sample 103556.
Massape Southern Extension: Near-surface PGE mineralization extended to approximately 150 metres south of the southernmost resource drill hole within the Massape deposit. Follow up detailed soil survey is in progress.
Trado Auger PGE Highlights: 5 metres of 0.17 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23MS48; 3 metres of 0.13 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23MS49; 5 metres of 0.27 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23MS50; 5 metres of 0.30 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23MS51; 3 metres of 0.12 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD23MS57.
Talhado: Soil, rock and Trado auger assay results confirmed historical PGE mineralization and returned local vanadium anomalies. Two follow-up trenches have been excavated, with assays pending.
Trado Auger PGE Highlights: 5 metres of 0.21 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD22TA05; 2 metres of 0.37 g/t 2PGE+Au from 0 metres in Trado hole AD22TA14.
Rock Assay Vanadium Highlights: 6 chromite-rich rock samples ranging 0.15-0.20% V2O5 , 12-19% Cr2O3, 1.4-1.8% TiO2 , and 22-26% Fe2O3.
Pitombeiras: Extensive soil survey and Trado auger drilling completed covering cumulative 8 km along trend following up historical geochemical and geophysical anomalies. All assays pending.
Several new ultramafic lenses were mapped. Detailed follow up Trado auger drilling is in progress.
The Pedra Branca Platinum Group Elements (PGE) Project comprises 52 exploration licenses covering a total area of 56,852 hectares (140,484 acres) in northeastern Brazil. At Pedra Branca, 7 distinct PGE+Au deposit areas host, in aggregate, a 2022 NI 43-101 inferred resource of 2.198 Moz 2PGE+Au contained in 63.6 Mt grading 1.08 g/t 2PGE+Au. All the currently known Pedra Branca inferred PGE resources are potentially open pittable.