Vizsla Copper identifies targets at Copperview project, British Columbia

Vizsla Copper Corp. [TSXV-VCU; OTCQB-VCUFF; FSE-97E0] reported the results of airborne geophysical surveying at its 100%-owned Copperview Project in south-central BC. The project is prospective for copper-gold porphyry-related mineralization.
Highlights: 997 line-km of helicopter-borne, high-definition magnetic surveying was completed at Copperview; N-S magnetic trends extend onto the glacial till covered Copperview Project from Kodiak Copper Corp.’s (Kodiak) nearby MPD Project; Breaks or disruptions in the N-S trends are high priority exploration target areas.
“This high quality airborne magnetic dataset provides excellent detail to aid our interpretation of the geology beneath the glacial till cover at Copperview.” commented Steve Blower, Vice President of Exploration. “Several ‘breaks’ in the north-south magnetic trends are particularly prospective, as similar features have proven to be mineralized nearby. A good example is Kodiak Copper Corp.’s Gate Zone, less than 4km to the south of Copperview.”
A total of 997 line-km of helicopter-borne magnetic geophysical surveying was recently completed at Copperview by Precision GeoSurveys Inc. The survey consisted of east-west oriented grid lines spaced 100 metres apart. Nominal survey height was 50 metres above ground level.
A clear pattern of north-south oriented linear magnetic highs is present in the survey results, with the most pronounced trend extending from Kodiak’s MPD property to the south. Mineralization at MPD, including the recently discovered Gate Zone, is often spatially associated with this north-south magnetic high trend, particularly where the trend is disrupted. Several disruptive features along similar magnetic high trends are present in the new Copperview data. Discovered by Kodiak Copper in 2019, drilling at the Gate zone has outlined a large 350m x 1km x 900m zone of copper-gold porphyry-related mineralization. The best drill intersection to date is 535.1 metres of 0.49% Cu, 0.29 g/t Au from 201.9 metres in drill hole MPD-20-041. The Copperview Project claim block is interpreted to be underlain by eastern facies Upper Triassic Nicola volcanics with local coeval intrusions – similar to MPD, and the Copper Mountain and New Afton mines.
Direct Current Induced Polarization (DCIP) will be completed on the ground over airborne target areas in 2024, ahead of core drilling programs. DCIP surveying will highlight areas that are chargeable due to the likely presence of sulphide mineralization in the bedrock. Coincident DCIP, magnetic and AFMAG anomalies will be high-priority drill targets in future programs.
Vizsla Copper is primarily focused on its flagship Woodjam project, located within the prolific Quesnel Terrane, 55 km east of the community of Williams Lake, British Columbia. It has four additional copper exploration properties; Copperview, Redgold, Blueberry and Carruthers Pass, all well situated amongst significant infrastructure in British Columbia.
Vizsla Copper is a spin-out of Vizsla Silver Corp. [TSXV-VZLA, NYSE] and is backed by Inventa Capital Corp., a premier investment group founded in 2017 with the goal of discovering and funding opportunities in the resource sector.