Vortex Metals samples up to 5.85% copper at Illapel copper project, Chile

Vortex Metals Inc. [TSXV-VMS; OTCQB-VMSSF; FSE-DM8] reported results from the recent surface sampling program conducted at the Illapel copper project in Chile. The program, executed during the month of July 2024, focused on evaluating mineralization across several key areas within the project concessions.
Program highlights: Dr. John Larson, director of Vortex Metals and former manager of Latin America exploration for BHP and BHP Billiton, led the fieldwork at Illapel. Dr. Larson and his team collected 13 surface samples, which were subsequently sent to ALS laboratories in Santiago for multielement analysis.
Preliminary results indicate significant copper mineralization, with eight out of the 13 samples revealing significant copper mineralization above 1.0% copper. Notable findings include Sample 1021: 0.62 g/t gold and 1.33 per cent copper. Sample 1019: 75.2 g/t silver and 4.31 per cent copper. Sample 1029: 32.6 g/t silver, 0.21 g/t gold and 5.85% copper.
These results suggest that the Illapel project has the potential to host high-grade copper and precious metal deposits, highlighting its economic viability.
In addition to copper, gold and silver, the program identified elevated levels of associated elements such as iron, molybdenum and cobalt, providing further insight into the style of mineralization within the project area. The results confirm that the Illapel concessions have the potential to host at least two distinct styles of mineralization: Mantos – predominantly copper-silver mineralization and Epithermal vein systems – characterized by copper-gold mineralization.
The company has also collected bulk samples to produce standards for quality control in future drill core analysis, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of exploration results.
Vortex Metals is a copper-focused exploration and development company with a diversified portfolio of exploration projects in Chile and Mexico. Vortex holds an option to acquire up to 80% interest in the brownfield Illapel copper project in Chile; and, through its Mexican subsidiary, Empresa Minera Acagold SA de CV, it owns 100% interest in two drill-ready, high-potential copper-gold volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) properties — Riqueza Marina and Zaachila – in Oaxaca, Mexico.