West Red Lake drills 3 metres of 72.6 g/t gold at Rowan

West Red Lake Gold Mines Inc. [RLG-CSE; RLGMF-OTCQB; HYK-FSE] has released high-grade drill results, including 72.6 g/t gold over 3.0 metres from exploration work on the 3,100-hectare West Red Lake Project, located in the prolific Red Lake gold district of northwest Ontario.
The recent phase of the exploration drill program carried out during January and February, 2017, consisted of 3,014 metres of drilling in nine holes that was designed to further explore and expand the Rowan mine zones with exploration drilling. Drill results indicate that depth potential represents the primary opportunity to expand the Rowan mine zones.
The next phase of drilling is planned to begin during the second half of May 2017.
John Kontak, President, said, “We are very pleased to be continuing our diamond drilling programs on our promising Red Lake property during 2017. We believe the property holds significant exploration potential and plan to continue the effort to expand the Rowan mine zones and to explore additional areas of interest on the West Red Lake project.”
Two holes were drilled to expand the gold zones to depth in the central area of the east-west-trending Rowan mine zones. Hole RLG 17-45 intersected 72.6 g/t gold over 3.0 metres, and hole RLG 17-44 intersected 21.9 g/t gold over 1.0 metre.
Three holes were drilled at the eastern end of the Rowan mine zones. Hole RLG 17-46 intersected 16.05 g/t gold over 1.0 metre. Two additional holes were drilled farther east to expand the gold mineralized zones along strike and did not return any gold values. Four holes drilled to the west intersected the gold-bearing zones over widths ranging from four metres to 15 metres and returned weak gold values.
The steeply-dipping Rowan mine zones are situated within a 1.2-km strike length of the east-west-trending regional shear structure known as the Pipestone Bay St. Paul deformation zone (PBS), which is a regional geological structure that crosses the company property and continues east to the Town of Red Lake.
Gold zones are hosted within a sequence of hydrothermally altered mafic volcanics with intercalated felsic volcanics and porphyries, as well as ultramafics. The gold mineralization is associated with quartz veining and increased iron sulphide mineralization.
Three former gold mines on the West Red Lake Project property are situated on the PBS zone. The Mount Jamie Mine and the Red Summit Mine are owned 100% by West Red Lake Gold Mines. The Rowan Mine is 60% owned by West Red Lake Gold and 40% by Goldcorp Inc. [G-TSX; GG-NYSE]. The regional-scale Golden Arm structure and the subparallel NT zone cross onto the West Red Lake project from the south boundary and trend northeast for 2 km to where they merge and intersect with the PBS zone.
The West Red Lake Project property covers a 12-km strike length along the Pipestone Bay St. Paul deformation zone. The company plans to continue to explore the property both along strike and to depth. Refer to company press release for completer drill results. True widths are not known at this time.