Western Copper and Gold submits Casino ESE statement schedule, Yukon

Western Copper and Gold Corp. [TSX-WRN], through its wholly owned subsidiary, Casino Mining Corp., has submitted to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Board (YESAB) executive committee a schedule for submission of the environmental and socio-economic effects statement (ESE statement) for the 100%-owned Casino mine project 300 km northwest of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.
In the schedule, Casino indicates that it plans to submit the ESE statement in the second half of 2024. The ESE statement will form the basis for the company’s assessment application for the panel review and will include all the material outlined in the revised ESE statement guidelines issued on September 12, 2023. In addition, Casino has been engaging and consulting with first nations that may be impacted by the project. This will inform all aspects of the ESE statement development.
“The company is committed to ensuring that review of the Casino project occurs in a robust manner using the most up-to-date methodologies in environmental assessment,” stated Paul West-Sells, president and CEO. “We remain confident that the Casino project is a great asset for the Yukon that will provide benefits to Yukon communities and first nations for generations to come.”
The Carmacks bypass project, the first section of the Casino project access road and a $29.6-million investment by the Yukon and federal governments, has been completed ahead of schedule. The bypass will allow industrial vehicles to bypass the village of Carmacks, reducing heavy traffic, improving community safety, and improving access to mineral exploration and development activities in the area.
The bypass comprises a 70-metre clear span steel bridge with concrete deck and 5 km of new road. The contract was completed by Pelly Construction, which worked closely with Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation (LSCFN) to ensure employment, training and commercial benefits flowed to the LSCFN citizens and the community, with over 60% of the wages paid to first nation citizens.