White Metal drills 0.71 g/t gold over 267 metres at Tower Mountain, Ontario

White Metal Resources Corp. [WHM-TSXV; TNMLF-OTC] reported final assay results from phase 3 diamond drilling at the 100%-optioned Tower Mountain gold project located about 50 km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario. To date, White Metal has completed three phases of drilling totalling 10,813 metres in 48 holes.
Highlights include drill hole TM-22-135 that intersected 466.5 metres averaging 0.51 g/t gold, including 267.0 metres averaging 0.708 g/t goild. TM-22-135, the deepest hole to date, ended in mineralization at 485.0 metres. TM-22-134 intersected 58.5 metres averaging 0.750 g/t gold. TM-22-126 intersected 30.0 metres averaging 0.645 g/t gold.
Scott Jobin Bevans, interim CEO, noted: “These latest results continue to demonstrate that the Tower Mountain Gold Project has a significant gold endowment with excellent potential to identify a large tonnage, low grade, multi-million ounce gold discovery, similar to what has been established elsewhere within the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt (SBG). We believe the gold potential of the SBG was largely ignored due to the low-grade nature of known occurrences. Both Malartic and Detour Lake are multi-million ounce projects with average grade of less than 1.0 g/t gold. Our drilling to date at Tower Gold has established low-grade gold mineralization for over 2,500 metres along strike across an average 300 metres width, to depths in excess of 300 metres. Our 2021-22 Phase 3 drilling program successfully extended the known strike and down-dip extent of the low grade envelope and surface prospecting in 2021 identified numerous gold targets within the claim boundary that are, as yet, untested. We believe the Tower Mountain Gold Project is a compelling exploration opportunity in an emerging gold camp.”
The Tower Mountain Project comprises patented and unpatented claims covering about 1,968 hectares, within the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, an emerging gold district in northwestern Ontario with established multi-million ounce resources elsewhere within the SGB. Paved highways offer year-round access to the property and line distributed hydro is available 5 km from the project. Tower Gold is interpreted to be an intrusive-associated disseminated gold deposit and as such offers excellent Tier One asset discovery potential.