Yukon Metals samples up to 14.1 g/t gold and 4,260 ppm copper at Birch property, Yukon

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Yukon Metals Corp. [CSE-YMC; FSE-E770] reported an exploration update on its 2,285-hectare Birch project, located approximately 65 km northeast of Burwash Landing, Yukon Territory.

Fieldwork commenced at the Birch property on August 3, 2024, including a soil sampling and prospecting program. Assays from 341 of 530 samples on a 50m x 100m grid over the northern anomaly were received and show encouraging gold and copper results up to 0.988 g/t gold and 2,310 ppm copper.

The anomalous zone trends roughly east-west and extends over 1,400 metres. A rock-chip sample over this zone contains 14.1 g/t gold and 4260 ppm copper within pyrite-chalcopyrite rich skarn. Field mapping indicates the geology of the project area is comprised of schists and marble units, moderately to strongly oxidized felsic intrusive, and patchy oxidized porphyritic rhyolite dykes.

Rory Quinn, President and CEO stated, “We are excited about these first pass results that have clearly identified a copper & gold mineralized system that has significant scale as demonstrated by the soil anomaly being over 1,400 metres long. The exceptionally high gold grades of up to 14.1 g/t from the surface rock chip program taken in the same area also point to the potential of the system to host economic grades. The metal association and the geology of the prospect area all point to the prospectivity for a gold-rich copper porphyry system that is largely preserved. The project area also has relatively benign topography and is located 65 kilometers from the Alaska highway.”

Yukon Metals will follow up on the soils results by using a combination of electrical resistivity tomography and induced polarization geophysics to delineate bedrock structure.

Yukon Metals owns 100% of the Birch project located 65km northeast of the community of Burwash Landing, and accessible via helicopter. The Birch project lies predominantly within the Finlayson assemblage of the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, consisting of variably carbonaceous schist and quartzite, marble, garnet amphibolite and rare metaplutonic rocks.

The Yukon-Tanana Terrane structurally overlies the Ruby Range Batholith which is regionally mapped in the northeastern portion of the property occurring as Ruby Range quartz-feldspar porphyry and Rhyolite Creek porphyry and intermediate and felsic volcanic rock (Israel et. Al., 2011).

Cu-Zn and Mo mineralization was first identified in the area in the early 1970s as part of a small exploration campaign which uncovered several skarn horizons in the northern project area, as well as molybdenite in quartz veins and stringers in granodiorite float on the southeastern side of the property (MINFILE 115G 077). Gold was not assayed for until interest renewed in the early 2010s with soil and mapping exploration work over the area uncovering several high soil anomalies ranging from 0.02-15g/t gold.

The Birch claims were staked over copper skarn and soil gold anomalies in 2022 by Lapie Mining Inc., and subsequently acquired by Yukon Metals in 2024 as part of the Berdahl land package.

Vision Quest, a Yukon First Nations-owned and operated exploration company working closely with Yukon Metals, conducted the sampling program using field staff whose traditional territory includes the Birch property.

Yukon Metals is well financed and represents a property portfolio built on over 30 years of prospecting by the Berdahl family, the prospecting team behind Snowline Gold’s portfolio of primary gold assets. The Yukon Metals portfolio consists primarily of copper-gold and silver-lead-zinc assets, with a substantial gold and silver component.

Yukon Metals is focused on fostering sustainable growth and prosperity within Yukon’s local communities, while simultaneously enhancing stakeholder value.

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