Amex drills 3.3 metres of 35.13 g/t gold at Perron

Amex Exploration Inc. [AMX-TSXV; AMXEF-OTCQX] reported additional high-grade gold drill results from its 200,000-metre drill program on its 100%-owned Perron property 110 km north of Rouyn-Noranda, northwestern Quebec. Results are from the Eastern gold zone, one of four known zones on the property.
At the Eastern gold zone (EGZ), the three drill holes successfully demonstrated the depth and eastern extension as well as continuity of the High Grade Zone (HGZ). The deepest hole drilled to date on the HGZ, drill hole PE-20-167, intersected 35.13 g/t gold over 3.30 metres, including 220.74 g/t gold over 0.50 metres, at a vertical depth of about 828 metres. This intercept increases the depth of the HGZ by approximately 30 metres and increases the strike of mineralization by approximately 20 metres to the east. Drill hole PE-20-168 intersected 15.61 g/t gold over 11.35 metres, including 260.52 g/t gold over 0.60 metres, at a vertical depth of approximately 504 metres, which represents one of the widest intervals intersected to date on the HGZ.
Last week four of the five drills turning at Perron intersected visible gold mineralization, targets included the HGZ, Denise Zone and the Grey Cat Zone.
Jacques Trottier, Executive Chairman, said: “This has been one of the most successful drill programs of my career. So far, our expectations are continually exceeded on the HGZ, where we have intercepted more than an ounce per tonne per metre at depth over widths that are very suited to conventional underground mining. We are also making significant progress elsewhere across the property, where we have started testing the near-surface portion of the Denise area, which runs parallel to the HGZ, as well as resumed exploration on the Grey Cat zone. We look forward to receipt of those results plus the results from our metallurgical testwork on the HGZ.”