Aztec Minerals Intersects 0.60 gpt Gold over 122m including 0.88 gpt over 62m in Second Set of Drill Results from Cervantes Property, Sonora, Mexico

Aztec Minerals Corp. (AZT: TSX-V, OTCQB: AZZTF) reports long intervals of porphyry gold (copper, silver) mineralization including shorter intervals of higher grade gold mineralization in the second set of drill results from its Phase 1, 15 hole, 3,000 metre (m) drill program at the Cervantes Project in Sonora, Mexico. The first set of drill results were released on February 1, 2018.
Drilling Highlights Include:
- 122.0 m from surface grading 0.60 grams per tonne (gpt) Au, including 0.88 gpt Au over 62.0 m in hole 18CER007 at the California zone, sample range 0.09 to 2.80 gpt Au, all 2.0 m samples
- 170.0 m from surface grading 0.42 gpt Au, including 0.87 gpt Au over 32.0 m in hole 18CER006 at the California zone, sample range of <0.005 to 2.81 gpt Au, all 2.0 m samples
- See map here

Drill holes to date were oriented to cross the most prominent structures seen in outcrops so core lengths reflect approximately the interpreted true width of the California zone mineralization but additional drilling is needed to provide a definitive true width
Joey Wilkins, CEO of Aztec, commented: “The first eight drill holes have tested about half of the 750 m long, +0.5 gpt gold soil anomaly at California. Mineralization intersected to date starts at surface in most holes and averages more than 100 m thick.
“This Phase 1 drill program is focused on defining oxide gold mineralization in the upper 200 m. A total of 1179 m have been drilled to date in the first eight holes. Poor performance by the initial drill contractor prompted Aztec to change to a new drilling contractor during the first half of February so the next batch of drill results will be in March.”
Brief hole-by-hole descriptions follow below.
18CER006: California Zone-stronger part of gold geochemical anomaly
0-203.0m           Mainly Intrusive and minor tectonic breccias, with QFP and sedimentary fragments, oxidized to goethite and hematite, altered to sericite and clay, silicified with periodic quartz veinlets or stockworks, weak siderite and calcite, sparse manganese oxides, minor patches of residual pyrite, sulphide content trace to 3%, QFP and brecciated intrusive below 140m includes quartzite and siltstone fragments, minor chlorite with sericite and silicification. Assays range trace to 2.81 gpt gold, 0.17% copper, 8.3 gpt silver
18CER007:  California Zone-stronger part of gold geochemical anomaly
0-129.5m            QFP with breccia and diorite dyke towards bottom of hole, strong hematite and goethite throughout, quartz veining and veinlets, silicification and sericite alteration, clays to local chlorite, occasional patches of pyrite and chalcocite
18CER008:   California Zone-stronger part of gold geochemical anomaly
0-28.0m               QFP, silicified and sericitized, goethite and hematite, local disseminated coarse grained pyrite, scattered quartz veinlets.
Joey Wilkins, B.Sc., P.Geo., President and CEO of the Company, is the Qualified Person who reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this news release. All core samples were split in half, placed into plastic bags, labeled with sample number, closed with zip ties, and placed in rice sacks. Samples were typically collected in 2.0m intervals with occasional exceptions of 1.5 or 3.0m intervals. Blanks, duplicates, and 3 certified standards were inserted into the sample stream and subsequently reviewed without any outliers or abnormal results. The samples were delivered to Bureau Veritas Laboratories in Hermosillo and analyzed for gold using a 30gram sample by fire assay fusion with AAS finish. Samples were shipped to Vancouver and analyzed with a 0.25gram sample using 4-acid ICP-MS providing analysis on 45 elements.
The Cervantes Property is held under an option to purchase agreement with Kootenay Silver Inc. (TSX-V:KTN) whereby Aztec can acquire up to 100% interest in the property in two stages. Additional information can be found on our website.
About Aztec Minerals – Aztec is a mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of large porphyry gold-copper deposits in the Americas. Our first project and core asset is the prospective Cervantes gold-copper property in Sonora, Mexico. The second project is the district-scale historic Tombstone properties in Cochise County, Arizona. Aztec’s shares trade on the TSX-V stock exchange under the symbol AZT and on the OTCQB under the symbol AZZTF.
Contact Information – For more information, please contact:
Neil MacRae, Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel: (604) 685-9770
Fax: (604) 685-9744