Blue Star Gold drills 4.91 metres of 19.1 g/t gold at Ulu Project, Nunavut

Blue Star Gold Corp. [BAU-TSXV; 5WP0-FSE] released an update on its 2021 drill program at the Ulu and Hood River projects in the High Lake Greenstone Belt, Nunavut.
Highlights include drill hole 21BSG001 tat returned 4.91 metres of 19.1 g/t gold and 7.00 metres of 6.9 g/t gold in Flood Zone lenses, expanding higher grade core to the southeast.
Hole 21BSG002 returned 2.64 metres of 13.0 g/t gold in the Flood Zone, expanding hig-grade core into previously modeled grade gap.
Follow up drilling to test the potential of the newly discovered vein system returned 8.15 metres of 20.8 g/t gold ~750 metres northeast of the Flood Zone deposit in the Gnu Zone area is under way.
Additional drilling completed: 21BSG009, 21BSG015, 21BSG016 and 21BSG018 intersected northwest trending Flood Zone style acicular arsenopyrite mineralization over approximately 275 metres in the Axis zone. Additional drilling completed: 21BSG013 and 21BSG017 intersected polymetallic bearing quartz veins on the west limb and east limb of the NFN (North Fold Nose) target. Additional drilling completed: 21BSG014 successfully intersected acicular arsenopyrite at a vertical depth of 300 metres in the Central Zone.
Currently, two drills are operating on the property with 4,590 metres of diamond drilling completed in 22 drill holes representing approximately 80% of the planned metres. Drilling to date has focused on targets proximal to the historical Flood Zone resource area with two holes reported today evaluating lightly drilled, geologically complex areas in the Flood Zone. Subsequent drilling has evaluated parallel altered and mineralized trends within 750 metres of the Flood Zone which include the Axis and Central Zones and targets within the Gnu Zone area. Additional drilling also included the NFN target approximately 5 km to the north along the Ulu fold hinge.
“Flood Zone drilling this year was very selective to assist in refining the geological modeling with the results announced today indicating that even drilling for geology provides robust grade and widths. The campaign to date has successfully tested portions of the proximal Axis and Central zones, located roughly 125 metres and 250 metres northeast of the Flood Zone resource respectively. The team is very excited about evaluating the intersection of these two mineralized trends as they approach the Gnu Zone which now contains at least four sub-target areas defined by their style of mineralization,” commented Darren Lindsay, Vice President Exploration.
Blue Star owns the Ulu gold property lease, an advanced gold project, and the prospective Hood River property that is contiguous to the Ulu mining lease. With the recent acquisition of the Roma Project, Blue Star now controls over 16,000 hectares in the High Lake Greenstone Belt. A significant high-grade gold resource exists at the Flood Zone deposit (Ulu lease), and numerous high-grade gold occurrences and priority targets occur throughout the Ulu, Hood River and Roma projects.