Cantex Mine Development reports good Yukon silver/lead/zinc assays

Cantex Mine Development Corp. [CD-TSXV; CTXDF-OTC] reported drill results from the Massive Sulphide Zone on its 100%-owned, 14,077-hectare, North Rackla claim block in the Yukon. Results have now been received for nine holes from this summer’s diamond drill program.  Final results are available from four holes tested mineralization at the Discovery Zone near the northeastern end of the Massive Sulphide Zone.  Provisional results are available for five holes at the Extension Zone 1,700 metres to the southwest. These results are provisional as they contain samples which either exceed 30% zinc or 20% lead which is the limit of the analytical method used.
There are 14 drill core samples totaling 12.05 metres containing over 30% zinc and nine drill core samples totaling 6 metres containing over 20% lead. These assays are being repeated using titration methods capable of analysing up to 50% zinc and 70% lead and will be released when received in about three weeks’ time.
Discovery Zone Results: Four holes testing the sulphide mineralization at the Discovery Zone were completed during the summer drill program. Holes YKDD18â€008 and YKDD18â€009 were drilled at â€63 degrees and â€44 degrees respectively, near the top of the slope and both intersected intensely weathered mineralization.
The third hole, YKDD18â€010, was drilled at â€50 degrees from a second pad 79 metres in elevation below the upper pad. The fourth hole, YXDD18†011, was drilled at â€50 degrees, a further 48 metres in elevation down the mountain. All the holes were drilled at an azimuth of approximately 165 degrees along a single section, perpendicular to the interpreted strike of the mineralization.
Significant intercepts included 12.10 metres grading 18.75 g/t silver, 2.27% lead and 7.36% zinc, including 4.10 metres of 43.49 g/t silver, 5.24% lead and 14.27% zinc, and 0.70 metres of 10.80 g/t silver, 0.27% lead and 2.16% zinc. Lengths are apparent widths and not true widths.
Extension Zone results included 13.00 metres of 150.6 g/t silver, 7.85% lead and 15.86% zinc, including 5.00 metres of 277.8 g/t silver, 13.39% lead and 29.68% zinc, and 7.00 metres of 22.00 g/t silver, 1.23% lead and 8.27% zinc.
In trading on the morning of October 29, Cantex shares were up 51%, or 283.3%, to 69 cents. Refer to company press release for more assays.