Endurance Gold samples up to 21.2 g/t gold at Reliance property, British Columbia

Endurance Gold Corp. [EDG-TSXV; ENDGF-OTC] reported encouraging results of chip and grab samples from newly exposed outcrops at the 100%-optioned Reliance gold property in Southern British Columbia. The property is located 4 km east of the village of Gold Bridge, and 10 km north of the historic Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mining Camp which has produced over 4 million ounces of gold.
As reported October 28, 2021, construction of a new drill access road exposed quartz-stibnite-pyrite-arsenopyrite breccias and oxidized shearing within an area of structural deformation associated with the 300 metres long Eagle South gold-in-soil anomaly. Gold-pathfinder elements were identified in outcrop using a hand-portable XRF unit and a subset of samples were submitted for gold assay analysis. Assay results are reported here where all five samples collected from Eagle South returned high-grade gold ranging from 7.01 to 21.20 g/t gold.
The surface exposure for the combined Eagle and Eagle South Zones has now been expanded to a 400 m strike length and up to 150 metres in projected width to surface. The Eagle and Eagle South Zones together with the Upper Eagle gold-in-soil anomaly are still open to expansion to the southeast and to depth.
Three samples were collected from the E5 prospect at three different locations over a 40-metre distance across Eagle South. Samples exhibited iron carbonate alteration, strong hematite altered shearing, and arsenopyrite, stibnite, scorodite and chrome mica. The samples assayed 21.20 g/t, 15.30 g/t, and 7.01 g/t gold. The E5 prospect is located on surface 150 metres southeast of DDH21-006 which intersected 8.62 g/t gold over 24.4 metres, including 17.02 g/t gold over 4.3 metres and is currently interpreted to be a southeastern extension of the Eagle Zone.
The E7 prospect is located an additional 130 metres southeast of E5 and 270 metres southeast of DDH21-006. Two samples were collected from poorly exposed and partly oxidized outcrop exhibiting iron carbonate alteration and hematite shearing including a narrower stibnite-arsenopyrite bearing quartz vein. Chip sample B838875 returned 9.66 g/t gold and 3,050 ppm antimony (Sb) over 2.5 metres across the exposure. A representative grab sample B838876 returned 12.9 g/t gold and 1.83% Sb from the 0.5-metrre wide stibnite-arsenopyrite vein.
The E5 prospect has been partially tested with diamond drill holes DDH21-014, DDH21-015, and DDH21-020 completed in late October 2021. Assay results remain to be reported on these drill holes. The E7 prospect has not been drill tested. The Upper Eagle gold-in-soil anomaly has not yet been explained with any associated bedrock exposures and remains to be tested with drilling.
These outcrop sample results are very encouraging and continue to demonstrate the excellent exploration potential on the Reliance property. The company plans to complete systematic channel sampling in these outcrop areas. Exploration plans, when finalized, will include maiden drill testing of the E7 prospect, the Upper Eagle gold-in-soil anomaly, and further drilling at the E5 prospect with the objective of expanding and defining the Eagle Zone.