F3 Uranium drills 20.5 metres of mineralization at Patterson Lake North, Saskatchewan

F3 Uranium Corp. [TSXV-FUU; OTCQB-FUUFF; FSE-X42] reported results from recent JR zone high-grade infill summer drilling, highlighted by PLN24-161, which intersected uranium mineralization over 12.0 metres, including 2.0 metres of high-grade (greater than 10,000 counts per second) also hosting 0.71 metres of composite off-scale mineralization (greater than 65,535 cps) at the Patterson Lake North (PLN) Project, Athabasca basin, Saskatchewan.
Drill hole PLN24-163 at JR intersected 0.90 metres of composite high-grade mineralization (greater than 10,000 cps) within 20.5 metres of mineralization (greater than 300 cps). JR zone infill holes targeted areas of low drill hole density within the high-grade core of the zone. These holes help to improve and define the continuity of grade within the JR zone.
F3 engaged Computational Geosciences to provide new geologically constrained inversions of ground-loop time-domain electromagnetic (GTEM) and direct-current (DC) resistivity data already collected on the ground. These parametric models of electric conductivity defined a clear extension of the B1 trend, which was tested and validated with drill hole PLN24-168, a 700-metre step-out along strike from PLN24-126, which was the most southeasterly hole along the B1 shear zone previously and 1,300 m from its northwest end. Drill hole PLN24-168 intersected a 14.2-metre strongly prospective and wide clay-altered graphitic shear zone approximately 110 metres below the Athabasca unconformity in the downdip direction.
Additionally, the inversion indicated the B1 conductor trend to continue to the southeast an additional 700 m to the edge of the survey block, resulting in an approximately 80% increase in the total implied strike length of the B1 shear zone to 2.7 km.
Sam Hartmann, vice-president, exploration, commented: “PLN24-168 was collared on line 4245S, approximately 1.2 km along strike from the Harrison fault and PLN24-152 area, opening up an additional 700 metres of prospective strike from previous drilling. This wildcat hole was collared conservatively, testing the newly defined conductive feature well below the Athabasca unconformity; an altered and strongly graphitic shear representing the continuation of B1 was intersected as predicted from the conductivity model; it also exhibited elevated radioactivity averaging 200 cps peaking up to 240 cps; although that doesn’t quite meet our reporting threshold of 300 cps, it adds to the prospectivity and follow-up holes are now being planned for that area. Geochemistry results from this ongoing drill program are being integrated into our models and drill plans as they arrive, which is assisting us with targeting with greater confidence.”
Summer 2024 JR zone hand-held spectrometer highlights: PLN24-161 (line 035S) – 12.0-metre interval with mineralization from 205.0 metres to 217.0 metres, including 0.71-metre composite off-scale radioactivity (greater than 65,535 cps) between 208.2 m and 209.25 m.
PLN24-163 (line 095S) – 20.5 m interval of mineralization between 197.0 m to 217.5 m, including 0.90 m composite high-grade mineralization (greater than 10,000 cps) between 205.25 m and 206.5 m.
Summer 2024 exploration hand-held spectrometer highlights: PLN24-167 (line 3450S) – B1 exploration: 0.5 m mineralized interval from 453.5 m to 454.0 m.
All depth measurements reported are downhole and true thickness are yet to be determined.
The company’s 4,078-hectare, 100%-owned Patterson Lake North (PLN) property is located just within the southwestern edge of the Athabasca basin (in proximity to Fission Uranium’s Triple R and NexGen Energy’s Arrow high-grade, world-class uranium deposits) which is poised to become the next major area of development for new uranium operations in Northern Saskatchewan. PLN is accessed by Provincial Highway 955, which transects the property, and the new JR zone uranium discovery is located 23 km northwest of Fission Uranium’s Triple R deposit.
F3 Uranium is a uranium project generator and exploration company, focusing on projects in the Athabasca basin. F3 Uranium currently has 20 projects in the Athabasca basin. Several of F3’s projects are near large uranium discoveries, including Triple R, Arrow and Hurricane. F3 has announced a transaction pursuant to which it will transfer 17 of its prospective uranium exploration properties to F4 in exchange for common shares of F4, which will be distributed to F3 shareholders on the basis of one F4 share for every common share of F3 held; the F4 shares will then be rolled back at a rate of 1:10. F3 will retain the PLN project, consisting of the PLN, Misto and Broach properties. The Broach property incorporates the PW property which it obtained from CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. [TSXV-CVV; OTCQX-CVVUF; FSE-DH7] as the result of a property swap.