Fabled Copper samples 19.6% copper, 14.4 g/t silver at Muskwa, British Columbia

Fabled Copper Corp. [FABL-CSE] reported the second set of results of 2021 surface field work on its Muskwa copper project comprising the Neil property (previously referred to as the North block) and the Toro property (previously referred to as the South block) in northwestern British Columbia. The Company also holds rights to the Bronson Property.
Peter J Hawley, President, CEO reported; “We started the new year by reporting our findings on the Lady Luck occurrence in the south end of the Neil property and we now move north to the Mac occurrence. As seen with respect to the Lady Luck occurrence, the Mac occurrence continues to display high grade copper values in a total of 5 surface samples. The samples were collected by the old fashion boots on the ground, high altitude, sampling of the vein structure, over a vertical distance of 41 metres, starting at an altitude of 1,602 metres (approximately 1 mile vertically).”
Of the 5 samples collected, all 5 reported greater than 1%, copper, 3 greater than 5% copper, 2 greater than 10% copper and 1 greater than 15% copper, (1% copper = 22.20 pounds).
The Mac Occurrence mineralization is mainly brecciated hosted chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of pyrite at the intersection of a north striking and northeast striking diabase dike / vein system. The breccia is silicified and healed with quartz and approximately 7.6 meters where observed.
While conducting the field visit the team discovered at the 1,604-metre elevation a 1968 claim pin #L829 and a pre-dated claim post.
Sample D-723261 taken at the lowest elevation of 1,602 metres and was composed of quartz with carbonate, was mottled gray white-dark gray on fresh surface, with abundant sediment fragments, minor dendritic back mineral, and moderate malachite staining. It was vuggy and pitted with 5% copper as patches and disseminated, and returned 4.39% copper with 1.60 g/t silver.
Sample D-723263 was taken 4 metres vertically above D-723261 at a vertical elevation of 1,606 metres where the Mac Structure surfaced again. A float sample of the rubble returned 11.60% copper and 3.50 g/t silver. It contained moderate malachite staining and was 25 – 30% chalcopyrite as semi-massive sulphides.
At 1,618 metres the mineralized structure continued and rubble sample D-723262 assayed 4.39% copper and 3.70 g/t silver, 12 meters vertically above Sample D-723263 It was 3-4% chalcopyrite as patches and disseminated.
Float sample, D-723264, returned 8.44% copper plus 2.70 g/t silver at 1,622 metres vertically. It had minor vugs, moderate-abundant malachite staining, 20% chalcopyrite as “net” like textures of disseminated sulphides.
Sample D-723265 was taken at 1,643 metres, 21 metres higher than Sample D-723264. This sample returned an impressive 19.60% copper with silver being elevated at 14.40 g/t.
The impressive grades over 41 metres vertically on the Mac warrant follow up in the 2022 season. The Mac vein / breccia structures have never been drilled and remain open in all directions.
The Muskwa Project comprises a total of 76 claims in two non-contiguous blocks and totals approximately 8,064.9 hectares, located in the Liard Mining Division in northern British Columbia.