Fabled Copper samples up to 27.2% copper at Muskwa project, British Columbia

Fabled Copper Corp. [FABL-CSE; X27-FSE] reported the 11th set of results of 2021 surface fieldwork on its Muskwa copper project comprising the Neil property and the Toro property in northern British Columbia. The company also holds rights to the nearby Bronson property.
Peter Hawley, President and CEO, said, “A total of 19 specific areas were mapped and prospected during the 2021 field season and we have previously reported our findings on the Lady Luck occurrence in the south end of the Neil property, followed by the Mac; the 8A, Harris, the 2a and 2b, the Creek, Keays south, Belcher Creek, the Magnum Drone Survey Mission and now the Magnum Mine copper deposit.”
Mineralization at the Magnum deposit consists of varying proportions of ankerite, quartz, chalcopyrite, and pyrite, in partly replaced remnants of the sedimentary host rock.
To date a total of ten veins have been identified, varying in width from less than 3 feet (0.9 meters) up to 25 feet (7.6 metres), showing continuity on strike and at depth. The main developed veins are nearly vertical.
The main haulage, 5200 foot Level adit and the remaining adits into the Magnum Vein were inspected. The blocked entrances of six adits and one opening (possible a cave-adit) were located and 20 samples of the exposed Magnum Vein were taken over a vertical elevation of 332 metres.
A large (0.4 by 0.4 m.) piece of highly mineralized rubble was discovered on an old road 300 metres south of the main haulage adit. Sample D723266 of this rubble contained 90% chalcopyrite, 3% bornite and cobalt bloom and assayed an impressive 27.2% copper.
The Magnum Vein was sampled at three locations along the northwest facing slope, approximately 400 metres east of Magnum Creek. The northern most exposure was sampled at an elevation of 1903 metres. At this area the vein is 2.00 metres wide and strikes 040Ëš, dipping vertically, in sheared sediments.
A 2.30-metre section containing 2 metres of vein (samples D-723373-375) and 0.30 metres of footwall sediments averaged 6.43% copper. The 2.0-metre section of vein alone without the low-grade footwall sediments contained a copper average of 7.380%. High-grade grab sample (D-723377) of the vein, collected 1 metre to the north, contained 95% massive chalcopyrite and assayed 25.10% copper and 11.9 ppm silver.
Five hundred to 530 metres along strike to the southwest, between the two 5,900-foot adits, two exposures were sampled. The two exposures strike 040Ëš and dip 85Ëš and are located 30 metres apart at elevations of ~1866 and 1834 metres.
In the north, the vein is 1 to 1.30 metres in width and contains 1-3% chalcopyrite with the hanging wall being comprised of sediments and quartz-carbonate stringers. Five chip samples (D-723382-386) were collected across three sections with the average copper grades across each section are: vein & hanging wall – 0.67% over 2.30 metres, (D-723385 & 386) and 0.34% over 2.10 metres, (D-723383-384) and just vein – 0.31% over 1.00 metre (D-723382).
Thirty metres farther along strike to southwest, at an elevation of 1,834 metres, two sections of the vein and surrounding stringer zones were chip sampled (D-723387-389-392). The 1.20- to 1.30-metre-wide vein is exposed along 15 metres, dips sub-vertically and is mineralized with 3-5% chalcopyrite. The northern 1.60-metre-wide section (D-723387-389), averages 6.704% copper, with the 1.30-metre-wide chip sample of the vein containing 8.09% copper. The southern 2.30-metre-wide section (D-72390-392) averages 2.50% copper, with the 1.20-metre-wide vein assaying 4.37% copper.
On the road to the main haulage adit a 040Ëš striking 0.8-metre wide vein is exposed. This vein contains 2% chalcopyrite and 0.96% copper. Four heavily mineralized (up to 25% chalcopyrite) samples (D-723371, 372, 379-381) of quartz-carbonate rubble / float were sampled downslope from the adits, at elevations of 1755 to 1802 metres.
Samples D-723371, 372 & 381 also contained a high pyrite content of 30 to 80% and assayed 3.4% to 14.4% copper. Sample D-723379 with no pyrite and 20% chalcopyrite contained 11.45% copper.
The Muskwa Project comprises a total of 76 claims in two non-contiguous blocks and totals approximately 8,064.9 hectares, located in the Liard Mining Division in northern British Columbia.