Filo drills 0.57% CuEq over 1,131 metres at Filo del Sol, Argentina

Filo Corp. [FIL-TSXV, Nasdaq First North Growth Market; FLMMF-OTCQX] reported assay results from three holes testing extensions to the Aurora and Bonita zones and the Gemelos target at the Filo del Sol project in San Juan, Argentina.
Highlights: Drill hole FSDH083 extends the Filo-Aurora trend 260 metres to the northeast with 1,131 metres at 0.57% CuEq (copper equivalent) from 419 metres including 112 metres at 0.70% CuEq from 560 metres; 210 metres at 0.80% CuEq from 970 metres.
Drill hole FSDH085 expands the Bonita zone 700 metres to the east with 879 metres at 0.47% CuEq from 320 metres including 8 metres at 7.09% CuEq from 18 metres; 456 metres at 0.53% CuEq from 658 metres.
A shallow intermediate sulphidation breccia vein intersected at 18 metres depth in FSDH085 is similar in style to the Maranceles veins which outcrop about 600 metres to the north of this hole. This interval returned silver grades up to 1,100 g/t over a 0.5 metres width and gold values up to 12.05 g/t over 2.0 metres, upgrading this area, and the Maranceles veins, as high-priority exploration targets.
Jamie Beck, president and chief executive officer, stated: “Aurora continues to grow towards Bonita with hole 83. We currently have three holes under way which will provide critical information on the potential continuity of mineralization between these two zones.” Beck continued: “Hole 85 is an incredible result, demonstrating Bonita’s significant potential size and dramatically expanding the size of the mineralized footprint at Filo. It expands Bonita 700 m to the east, sits 1.7 km northeast of hole 83 and extends Filo del Sol’s strike to over five km from our most southerly mineralized hole in Tamberias. No unmineralized holes have been drilled in between and we hope to keep this streak going. It’s also exciting to have intersected shallow, high-grade vein style mineralization in hole 85, similar to what we see at our Maranceles target to the north.”
Drilling is continuing with nine rigs active on the project, and winter drilling is focused on Aurora infill and the Aurora-Bonita gap. Assay results for completed holes will be released as they are received, analyzed and confirmed by the company. Three holes are under way in the Aurora-Bonita gap, five holes are working on Aurora and Filo infill, and one rig is completing the last of a series of geotechnical holes to examine a potential future underground exploration adit.
Filo del Sol is a high-sulphidation epithermal copper-gold-silver deposit associated with one or more large porphyry copper-gold systems. Overlapping mineralizing events combined with weathering effects, including supergene enrichment, have created several different styles of mineralization, including structurally controlled and breccia-hosted gold, manto-style high-grade silver (plus/minus copper) and high-grade supergene-enriched copper within a broader envelope of disseminated, stockwork and breccia-hosted sulphide copper and gold mineralization. This complex geological history has created a heterogeneous orebody which is characterized by zones of very high-grade copper plus/minus gold plus/minus silver mineralization within a large envelope of more homogeneous, lower-grade mineralization.
Filo is a Canadian exploration and development company focused on advancing its 100%-owned Filo del Sol copper-gold-silver deposit located in San Juan province, Argentina, and adjacent Region III, Chile.