Filo drills 0.89% CuEq over 1,077 metres at Filo del Sol, Argentina

Filo Corp. [TSX-FIL; OTCQX-FLMMF] has released assay results from holes FSDH097, FSDH098 and FSDH100 from the Filo del Sol project in San Juan, Argentina.
Highlights: Drillhole FSDH097 intersected 1,077.0m at 0.89% CuEq from 368.0m, including 149.0m at 128.0 g/t Ag from 372.0m and 237.0m at 1.20% CuEq from 707.0m.
Drillhole FSDH098 intersected 953.8m at 0.42% CuEq from 410.0m. Drillhole FSDH100 intersected 631.3m at 0.68% CuEq from 256.0m, including 20.0m at 95.8 g/t Ag from 340.0m.
Jamie Beck, President and CEO, stated, “These three holes span a distance of 1.6km and expand the deposit to the west along that entire distance. Hole 100 is a perfect example of our successful Aurora Zone exploration step-out drilling. It adds over 500m in depth beyond our current resource pit shell and extends the western margin of the deposit by 250m. Operationally, we have seen the pace of our drilling accelerate with summer conditions and continuous improvement from our contractors. January was the most productive month in the project’s history with 5,400 metres drilled. We have made good progress in testing several exploration targets and completing large-scale step-outs this Austral summer and anticipate excellent progress throughout the remainder of the year.”
Drilling is ongoing with nine rigs active on the project. Drillholes FSDH101 (1,380m), FSDH102 (1,214m), FSDH104 (1,447m), FSDH105 (1,449m), FSDH106 (1,103m), FSDH108 (1,184m) and FSDH111 (853m) are now complete with assays pending.
Drillholes FSDH099, FSDH103, FSDH107, FSDH109, FSDH110, and FSDH112 through FSDH115 are underway. Our goal remains on track to grow Filo into one of the largest and most important copper discoveries in recent times.
Filo del Sol is a high-sulphidation epithermal copper-gold-silver deposit associated with one or more large porphyry copper-gold systems. Overlapping mineralizing events combined with weathering effects, including supergene enrichment, have created several different styles of mineralization, including structurally controlled and breccia-hosted gold, manto-style high-grade silver (+/- copper) and high-grade supergene enriched copper within a broader envelope of disseminated, stockwork and breccia-hosted sulphide copper and gold mineralization.
Mineralized zones within the Filo del Sol deposit are typically flat-lying, or bulk porphyry-style zones and drilled widths are interpreted to be very close to true widths.
Filo is focused on advancing its 100%-owned Filo del Sol copper-gold-silver deposit in San Juan Province, Argentina and adjacent Region III, Chile. Filo is a member of the Lundin Group of Companies.