Gowest Gold receives Bradshaw deposit mining permit

Gowest Gold Ltd. [GWA-TSXV] provided a further update on its progress towards bringing the Company’s 100%-owned Bradshaw Gold Deposit into production. The deposit is on the Frankfield property, part of the company’s North Timmins Gold Project (NTGP), 50 km northeast of Timmins, northeast Ontario.
Greg Romain, Gowest President, said, “We have just achieved two more critical milestones towards seeing the Bradshaw gold deposit as the newest gold mine in the Timmins camp. We appreciate the patience and support of our many stakeholders and look forward to providing further detail as we move towards production.”
Gowest has received official notice from the Ontario’s Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines that the company’s Mine Production Closure Plan has received final review and filing in accordance with the Ontario Mining Act. The Closure Plan provides details for how the Bradshaw mine will be operated and closed, and how the site will eventually be reclaimed once mining activities are completed.
Gowest has now received all environmental permits required to bring the mine into commercial production.
Gowest’s ore-sorter has also been commissioned in preparation for sorting the mixed development ore currently stockpiled on surface. This material will be trucked to Northern Sun’s Redstone Mill, where processing is scheduled to begin on the week of November 9.
As previously reported, approximately 28,000 tonnes of gold-bearing mixed development ore has been collected and stockpiled on-site from the company’s ongoing Advanced Exploration Bulk Sample program. The company also plans to mine approximately 15,000 tonnes of stope ore as part of the bulk sample.
Bradshaw contains a NI 43â€101 Indicated Resource estimated at 2.1 million tonnes grading 6.19 g/t gold containing 422,0000 ounces and an Inferred Resource of 3.6 million t grading 6.47 g/t gold containing 755,000 ounces. Based on the Preâ€Feasibility Study produced by Stantec Mining and announced on June 9, 2015, Bradshaw contains Mineral Reserves in the probable category, using a 3 g/t gold cutâ€off and utilizing a gold price of US$1,200/oz, totalling 1.8 million tonnes grading 4.82 g/t gold for 277,000 ounces.