Highlander Silver reports drill results from Alta Victoria, Peru

Highlander Silver Corp. [HSLV-CSE] reported drilling results from its Alta Victoria project in Central Peru and provide updates regarding on-going work at the company´s Politunche project and generative program.
Significant intercepts at the Santa Teresita target include drill hole AV 22-12 that returned 4.0 metres of 153.2 g/t AgEq (silver equivalent) (0.08 g/t Au, 42.54 g/t Ag, 0.96% Pb, 1.81% Zn). AV 22-14 returned 7.9 metres of 231.63 g/t AgEq (0.79 g/t Au, 64.53 g/t Ag, 0.82% Pb, 1.82% Zn), including 3.8 metres of 316.22 g/t AgEq (1.02 g/t Au, 65.73 g/t Ag, 1.27% Pb, 2.75% Zn). AV 22-17 returned 4.7 metres of 178.15 g/t AgEq (1.13 g/t Au, 13.18 g/t Ag, 0.25% Pb, 1.50% Zn).
The drilling results at Santa Teresita are interpreted to indicate that the top of a potentially significant mineral system has been recognized, analogous to the high grade Uchuccachua silver mine, located in the same mineral belt, some 90kms from Alta Victoria. Further drilling is required to test this model.
David Fincham, president and CEO, commented: “We are encouraged by the polymetallic mineralization and associated alteration drilled at the Santa Teresita target, which has significantly improved our understanding of its geology and potential. The results confirm the presence of a fertile mineral system returning metre-length intercepts of silver – gold – lead – zinc mineralization and associated manganese sulphide. Using Uchucchacua as an analogue, we believe that we could have drilled the top of a similar style system, so we are now integrating the new drill information into our geological model to focus the next stage of drilling on targeting the potential ore body at depth. Unfortunately, our drilling in the Pachas area did not return results that warrant follow up at this stage.
“In addition, we are currently completing geochemical sampling and detailed mapping at our Poiltunche project, 15 kms to the southwest of Alta Victoria, with the objective of identifying new prospective targets and expanding extents of known targets. We will be reporting on those results in the coming weeks.
“Finally, our generative program is now well underway comprising a systematic review of high potential mineral districts in the Central Andes which we are optimistic will yield attractive opportunities for acquisition over the coming months.”
The Alta Victoria 2022 drill program comprised 1,800.5 metres of diamond core drilling in 10 holes, and was designed to achieve the following objectives: complete follow up drilling from the 2020 program at the Santa Teresita target, and test depth extents of previously undrilled outcropping mineralization and complete first pass reconnaissance drilling in the Pachas area, testing the Adriana North and Buena Estrella targets.
Santa Teresita drilling totalled drilling of 1,092.5 metres in six holes. Drilling successfully tested depth extents of outcropping breccias and replacement style mineralization, returning significant intercepts in holes drilled in sections approximately 100 metres apart.
Drill hole AV22-12 returned 4.0 metres of 0.08 g/t Au, 42.54 g/t Ag, 0.96% Pb and 1.81% Zn for 153.2 g/t AgEq from 71.90 metres. AV22-14, drilled in the same section, returned 7.9 metres of 0.79 g/t Au, 64.53 g/t Ag, 0.82 % Pb and 1.82% Zn for 231.63 g/t AgEq from 68.60 metres. AV22-17 drilled approximately 100 metres to the South targeting the same mineralized trend returned 4.70 metres of 1.13 g/t Au, 13.18 g/t Ag, 0.25% Pb and 1.50% Zn for 178.15 g/t AgEq from 100.50 metres. AV22-17 also intersected a number of other mineralized intervals supporting the concept of potentially continuous mineralization from in the that reported 100 metres to the North
In the Pachas Area, four drill holes totaling 708 metres tested silver, lead, zinc and gold manto-style mineralization mapped and sampled at the Adriana North artisanal mine, and a northeast trending mineralized structural corridor.
Two holes, AV22-08 and AV22-11 returned short (<2m) mineralized intercepts of note; however, the company does believe that these results warrant follow up at this time, allowing for full focus on the Santa Teresita target
At the Politunche high-grade silver-gold project, following the purchase of Solitario Zinc’s Politunche data set, the company integrated all available data resulting in the definition of new target areas around subvolcanic dome margins. These areas require detailed mapping and sampling as the next step to developing drill targets. This work, plus refining existing gold targets at the North of the property, will be completed before year end.