Jazz Resources drills 7.73 metres of 49.92 g/t gold at Vila Nova, Brazil, shares up

Jazz Resources Inc. [JZR-TSXV] reports that drilling undertaken on the bedrock portion of the Vila Nova gold project, Amapa state, Brazil, has intersected multiple veins with visible gold in all four drill holes, including the previously reported veins totalling 23.09 metres grading 31.58 g/t (one oz/ton) at a vertical depth of 74.47 metres in Hole VN-3 (cord. 44.416N, 418.157W).
The aforementioned intersection represents three quartz veins within a 37.78-metre interval that averages 19.3 g/t (0.62 oz) over the entire interval. True width of the unit is estimated at 60 per cent of down-hole length in steeply dipping units that subcrop below the 20 metres of unconsolidated tailings and rubble from previous hand mining.
Additional drill results for holes VN-1 through VN-4 include Hole VN-1 that returned 10.25 g/t gold over 9.20 metres and 7.50 g/t over 10.30 metres. Hole VN-2 returned 10.23 g/t gold over 10.05 metres and 0.48 g/t over 5.13 metres.
Hole VN-3 returned 17.90 g/t gold over 7.66 metres, 49.92 g/t over 7.73 metres and 27.67 g/t over 7.70 metres. Hole VN-4 returned 20.32 g/t gold over 7.10 metres,13.41 g/t over 5.72 metres and 3.19 g/t over 7.05 metres.
The values quoted in the first paragraph above are from a single drill hole that is located in close proximity to this location, cutting across three of the near-vertical vein systems on the Vila Nova property. Multiple veins outcrop over a distance of at least 1.5 km within a total claim position of over 3 km in length.
In early trading on October 28, Jazz shares gained $0.17 to $0.87 on a volume of 193,100 shares traded.
In early trading on October 28, Jazz shares gained $0.17 to $0.87 on a volume of 193,100 shares traded.The values quoted in the first paragraph above are from a single drill hole that is located in close proximity to this location, cutting across three of the near-vertical vein systems on the Vila Nova property. Multiple veins outcrop over a distance of at least 1.5 km within a total claim position of over 3 km in length.