Kingfisher samples up to 113.9 g/t gold at Goldrange project, British Columbia

Kingfisher Metals Corp. [KFR-TSXV; KGFMF-OTC] reported results from its 100%-owned Goldrange project located approximately 25 km south of the town of Tatla Lake in the Chilcotin region, southwest British Columbia.
Fieldwork outlined two areas (Lotus and Lost Fiddle) with bonanza gold grades in outcrop. Mineralization at both projects under forest and till cover and is open laterally and at depth. Rock chip sampling at Lotus returned four samples greater than one oz/ton gold with up to 113.9 g/t gold and backpack drill results include up to 13.4 g/t gold over 0.43 metres. At the Lost Fiddle prospect 2 km north of the Cloud Drifter Trend, backpack drilling of historical blast trenches returned up to 17.1 g/t gold, 431 g/t silver, and 4.12% copper over 0.45 metres.
Dustin Perry, CEO, stated, “Regional sampling in 2021 highlights the high-grade discovery potential at the district-scale Goldrange Project. The Lotus and Lost Fiddle prospects are particularly attractive as there are no limitations on dimensions. Outcrop exposures at both locations contain bonanza grades that disappear under forest or till cover leaving excellent upside for future discoveries.”
The Lost Fiddle Prospect is located 2 km north of the Cloud Drifter Trend, the most advanced target within the district. Kingfisher geologists located historical blast trenches for the first time since the 1960s. The only available information on the Lost Fiddle Prospect was from government records, which provided an approximate location but no assay results. The blast trenches were located by Kingfisher some 325 metres northwest of where records indicated.
During the 2021 field program, nine short backpack drill holes totalling 16.07 metres, 198 soil samples and 27 grab and rock chip samples were collected at Lost Fiddle. The backpack drill and rock chip samples were focused around three historical blast trenches and mineralized exposures. Soils were collected on a 25-metre grid. Rock samples returned several high-grade gold results including the previously reported 42.80 g/t gold, 1,097.0 g/t silver, and 1.27% copper.
Anomalous soils were located proximal to the historical blast trenches with grades up to 1,402 ppb gold (1.4 g/t), 49,718 ppb silver (49.7 g/t) and 2,062.8 ppm copper (0.21%).
Backpack drilling was focused around the western blast trench. Hole BP-LF-21-05 graded 17.1 g/t gold, 431 g/t silver, and 4.12% copper over 0.45 metres. Hole BP-LF-21-09 intersected 50 cm of massive pyrite-pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-arsenopyrite sulfide (true thickness unknown) from 2.4 to 2.9 metres grading 13.4 g/t gold, 251 g/t silver, and 5.24% copper. Kingfisher’s sampling at Lost Fiddle delineated a mineralized footprint measuring at least 200 x 200 metres.
The Lotus Prospect was discovered in the 1990s. Lotus hosts a northwesterly-striking, moderately west-dipping shear banded quartz vein and reverse brittle fault zone with a minimum 3-metre width. The true thickness of the zone is unknown. The target lies on trend with a district-scale thrust fault and is proximal to a regional-scale contact with Bendor plutonic rocks, known as an important focus for mineralization at the Goldrange Project.
In 2021, Kingfisher geologists completed a program of hand trenching, backpack drilling and rock chip sampling. Five shallow backpack holes totalling 11.85 metres and an additional 10 rock chip samples were collected. Rock chips collected from the vein exposure returned four samples more than one oz/ton gold with grades up to 113.9 g/t gold. Backpack drill highlights include hole BP-LT-21-01, which graded 13.4 g/t gold over 0.43 metres.
The company intends to file an amendment to its current 5-year area-based permit to incorporate the Lost Fiddle and Lotus prospects so that permitted work including IP geophysics and drilling can be completed.
Kingfisher Metals is focused on underexplored district-scale projects in British Columbia and has three 100%-owned district-scale projects that offer potential exposure to high-grade gold, copper, silver, and zinc.