Kirkland Lake drills high-grade gold at Fosterville Mine, Australia

Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. [KL-TSX, NYSE; KLA-ASX] announced new high-grade results from surface and underground drilling at the Fosterville Mine in Victoria, Australia. Recent infill drilling in the Swan Zone returned intercepts with higher than anticipated grades and visible-gold near the intersection of the Swan Fault and the Swan Splay structure.
Surface drilling continued to target additional growth in the Robbin’s Hill gold system to assess the potential of further Mineral Reserve expansion. Underground growth drilling programs have also progressed in the Lower Phoenix gold system targeting the Cygnet Fault, and in the Harrier gold system targeting the Harrier Base Fault, where encouraging results have been returned. Drill results reported are from 44 holes (6,803 m) from the Swan infill drilling program and 111 holes (59,311 m) from step-out, extension and infill drilling at Robbin’s Hill, Cygnet and Harrier.
Tony Makuch, President and CEO, commented: “Drilling at Fosterville continues to demonstrate the significant size and scale of the mineralized structures, all of which contain quartz veining with visible-gold and all of which have the potential to host additional Swan or Swan-like zones. At the Swan Zone, results from new infill drilling include higher than expected grades, which is encouraging as we work towards our next Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource update. In particular, the infill results confirm that the area where the Swan Fault and Swan Footwall Splay intersect contains more gold than currently modelled.”
Swan Infill Drilling
976 g/t gold over 7.4 m (ETW 7.0 m) in hole UDH3167, including 5,710 g/t gold over 1.3 metres (ETW 1.2 m); 933 g/t gold over 6.4 metres (ETW 5.8 m) in hole UDH3405, including 6,202 g/t gold over 1.0 m (ETW 0.9 m).
These results demonstrate the continuity of extremely high-grade, visible-gold mineralization along the structural intersection of the Swan Fault and Swan Footwall Splay, which plunges gently towards the south.
Robbin’s Hill Drilling
Four surface drills are operating at Robbins Hill focused on Mineral Resource extension including identifying the potential high-grade shoot down-plunge.
Extension Drilling
Twenty-seven surface drill holes for a total of 23,173 metres were drilled targeting the down-plunge extensions of existing Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves on the Curie Fault. Key sulfide-gold bearing intercepts include 30.8 g/t gold over 3.6 metres (ETW 2.9 m) in hole RHD355 and 9.6 g/t gold over 4.6 metres (ETW 3.7 m) in hole RHD365;
Step out drilling
Six step-out drill holes, totaling 7,343 metres demonstrate that mineralization on the Curie Fault persists over a 2 km distance to the south of the existing Robbins Hill Mineral Reserves. Refer to company press release for complete drill results.