Midland Exploration discovers new gold zones at Willbob Project, Labrador Trough, Nunavik, Quebec

Midland Exploration Inc. [TSXV-MD] reported new results from a prospecting campaign conducted in June 2024 in the Canyon Lake area on its Willbob gold project, Nunavik, northern Quebec, wholly owned by Midland.
Highlights: Seven rock samples grading more than 1 g/t gold in the Canyon Lake area, including three values above 5 g/t Au: 39.5 g/t Au, 26.5 g/t Au and 9.85 g/t Au.
The Canyon mineralized zones now extend over 790Â metres along the sheared contact with gabbro and iron formation. Several anomalous gold values in soil samples (10), reaching 431Â ppb Au in an unexplored area.
This prospecting and soil sampling campaign was conducted in the Canyon Lake area of the Willbob project in June. Follow-up work on showings discovered in July 2019 resulted in gold grades reaching up to 39.5 g/t Au (Canyon-3 area).
Two new gold-bearing areas are highlighted and as a result, the gold mineralized zones now extend over 787Â metres. Several anomalous gold values are observed in soil samples and will require follow-up work.
Prospecting work carried out in July 2019 led to the discovery of three new high-grade gold occurrences on new claims acquired by Midland in 2019 in the Canyon Lake area. The Canyon-1 showing yielded high-grade gold values reaching 31.5 g/t Au, 5.95 g/t Au, and 3.77 g/t Au (grab samples).
At the Canyon-2 showing, located 250 metres northwest of Canyon-1, grades reaching 23.5 g/t, 18.55 g/t Au, 4.94 g/t Au, 2.08 g/t Au, and 1.01 g/t Au were obtained in grab samples.
Finally, the Canyon-3 showing, located 30 m north of Canyon-2, yielded grades of 6.85 g/t and3.35 g/t Au in grab samples in July 2019.
Twelve additional grab samples collected between Canyon-1 and Canyon-3 also yielded values between 0.1Â g/t and 1Â g/t Au.