Mirasol Resources stakes Sobek copper project, Chile

Mirasol Resources Ltd. [MRZ-TSXV; M8R-FSE] has staked the 100%-owned Sobek copper project in Chile. Sobek was staked based on prospective local structural architecture with an important north-northeast trending mineralized structural corridor crosscut by north-northwest trending deep seated trans-cordilleran lineaments.
The Sobek property land position was recently expanded following significant results reported by Filo Mining Corp. from its Filo del Sol project, which included a remarkable intercept of 858 metres of 1.80% CuEq (including 163m at 5.43% CuEq). Sobek is located 7 km to the west of the Filo del Sol project, a mid-Miocene epithermal porphyry Au-Cu deposit.
Mirasol’s President, Tim Heenan, commented: “Sobek is located in a favourable and highly prospective metallogenic district. The importance of our Sobek project is highlighted by the recent significant discoveries at the neighboring Filo del Sol project. Mirasol has recently completed a helicopter supported aeromagnetic survey to assist in our evaluation of the project and to focus our field work on key prospective areas. Ground exploration at Sobek will commence following the analysis of this data.”
A new mineralized district is developing in the Sobek area with multiple deposits located in close proximity, including the Josemaria and Los Helados porphyry Cu-Au deposits located 10 km east-northeast and 20 km north of Sobek, respectively. Mirasol now controls 8,571 ha of exploration claims in this district in three blocks that are all on the Chilean side of the border with Argentina.
Mirasol has recently completed a high resolution 2,690 line-km helicopter supported aeromagnetic (MAG) survey contracted to High-Sense Geophysics Limited in Chile. The survey covered the entire property and was designed to refine the geological and structural interpretation at Sobek. Magnetic surveys can identify features commonly associated with large mineralized systems such as porphyry Cu-Au and high sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag deposits.
Following processing and interpretation of the MAG data, Mirasol will commence a ground exploration program at Sobek during the current exploration season. This program will further assess the potential for porphyry Cu-Au and epithermal Au-Ag mineralization with geochemical sampling, detailed geological mapping and potentially additional ground geophysical surveys over the priority prospects.