Mountain Boy drills 3.2 metres of 241.7 AgEq at American Creek, British Columbia

Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd. [MTB-TSXV; MBYMF-OTC] reported encouraging results from its 2021 field program on the 100%-owned American Creek prospect in the Golden Triangle, northwest British Columbia which included drilling, underground and surface sampling, as well as surface geologic mapping and soil geochemistry. The results confirm the presence of a large silver-gold-base metal mineralizing system and outlined several new prospective areas for further exploration.
Lawrence Roulston, CEO stated: “These results provide further evidence of a large and robust mineralizing system, demonstrate the presence of high-grade mineralization, and continue to move us forward in unlocking the enormous potential value of this project.”
The American Creek Project is centered on the historic Mountain Boy Silver Mine, 20 kilometres north of Stewart, BC.
The 2021 drill program consisted of eight diamond drill holes, of which seven reached target depth (866 metres of drilling). Those holes tested 2,000 metres of strike length along trend to the north from the main mineralized zone around the old mine area, referred to as MB-Silver. Drilling intersected silver-gold-base metal mineralization and provided further information in support of the evolving geological model for this extensive mineralized system.
Four short holes targeted the historic High-Grade zone. Drill hole MB-2021-04 intersected 1.7 metres of 414 g/t silver, including 0.8 metres of 763 g/t AgEq. Drill hole MB-2021-02 intersected 3.9 metres of 196 g/t AgEq.
The High-Grade vein was traced to the newly discovered High-Grade Extension (HGX), 310 metres to the north. Several surface samples from the High-Grade and HGX zones returned highly encouraging values, including grab sample C0034057 from HGX, which assayed 949 g/t silver, 2.77% lead and 0.33% copper. Other grab samples returned good metal values.
These samples demonstrate that this geological system hosts meaningful grades. Drill hole MB-2021-06, the first to test the HGX target area, encountered low grade base metal values from 21 to 161 metres. Drill hole MB-2021-07 encountered 2.9 metres of 120 g/t AgEq. Additional work is needed to continue defining this target for future drilling.
Mapping and sampling at the Maybe Zone, 2 km north of the MB-Silver mine area, yielded a grab sample that assayed 3,444 g/t silver and 1.50% copper. This is one of several areas on the property that have yielded high grades of copper along with significant silver values.
Geologists examined ~ 300 metres of the underground workings, mapping the geology, structures and alteration. Samples were taken from the material left behind by the miners that included 1 metre of 0.28 g/t gold, 166 g/t silver, 0.83% lead and 9.6% zinc; and 1 metre of 331 g/t silver.
Gold was generally not assayed in previous work as the focus of historic mining was on silver. The presence of gold in the assays will add value to the deposit. Areas with high grades of zinc are now being evaluated.
Geological teams carried out surface work in several new areas which led to the discovery of two new zones. The Sturgeonmoon Zone is between the High-Grade Zone and the Wolfmoon Zone. It yielded several surface samples over one kilogram/tonne silver. The highlight was a grab sample that yielded 15,640 g/t silver, 2.17 g/t gold, 13.75% zinc, 3.23% lead, and 0.73% copper. A second sample yielded 3,240 g/t silver, 1.34 /t gold, 2.05% zinc, 0.51% lead, and 0.18% copper. Narrow mineralized veins were traced for 400 metres on surface.
The Buckmoon Zone is 700 metres north-east of the Sturgeonmoon Zone. Highlight grab samples from this zone included 0.14 /t gold, 66.7 g/t silver, 0.58% lead, and 0.22% zinc.. Mineralization has been traced for 150 metres and is visible in cliffs above.