Newrange Gold drills 98 g/t gold over 6.1 metres at Pamlico

A mineral sample hosting visible gold from Newrange Gold's Pamlico Project near Hawthorne, Nevada. Source: Newrange Gold Corp.

Newrange Gold Corp. [NRG-TSX-V; CMBPF-OTC; X6C-FSE] reported drilling results for the first 10 holes of the recently completed 19-hole Reverse Circulation (RC) Phase I drilling program focused on the Merritt Zone of the Pamlico gold project located 12 miles southeast of Hawthorne, Nevada.
Results from the first 10 holes were highly successful, supporting the continuity of gold mineralization in the vicinity of the Merritt decline (see prior news releases on underground channel sampling results by Newrange Gold) and historic high-grade drill intercepts in the Merritt Zone by prior operators. Work to date in the Merritt area indicates a mineralized zone approximately 100 to 130 metres wide open ended along strike.
Hole P17-03 drill tested the projection of high-grade gold mineralization east of the decline and south of the Merritt Zone intersecting 1.5 metres of 51 g/t gold.
Holes P17-04 and P17-05 were drilled in a fan to confirm the presence of high-grade gold mineralization and test lateral and up-dip projections of mineralization reported in historic holes PRC36, M10-04 and M10-17. Hole P17-04 intersected 1.5 metres of near surface mineralization assaying 9.40 g/t gold. Hole P17-05 intersected 1.6 metres of 17.9 g/t gold. Importantly, these holes confirm the presence of high-grade gold bearing structures and indicate good lateral and vertical continuity of mineralization near the surface in this area.
Holes P17-08, 09 and 10 are interpreted to have discovered a new zone of near surface high-grade gold mineralization approximately 50 metres south of the end of the decline.
Drilling tested favorable structural projections beneath an area of shallow alluvial cover. Holes P17-08 and 09 were drilled from the same site and P17-10 was drilled approximately 15 metres northwest. P17-08 intersected a mineralized zone averaging 13.67 g/t gold over 21.3 metres, including a higher grade sub-zone averaging 27.8 g/t gold over 9.1 metres with a high-grade interval averaging 84.90 g/t gold over 1.5 metres. Hole P17-09 is interpreted to have been drilled over the top of, and sub-parallel to the structure intersected in P17-08 and returned 9.5 g/t gold over 1.5 metres and 6.82 g/t gold over 1.5 metres. Hole P17-10 intersected 49.49 g/t gold over 12.2 metres with a higher grade sub-zone averaging 97.94 g/t gold over 6.1 metres, including an interval of 340.9 g/t gold over 1.5 metres. Refer to company press release for complete assays table.
Robert Carrington, CEO, said, “These initial results indicate that Pamlico is a unique high potential opportunity for Newrange Gold. The extremely rich Merritt Zone where we are focusing our initial exploration efforts right now is one of five similar target areas, covering only ½ of 1% of this property and less than 1/10 of 1% of the combined strike extent of the more than 300 known veins and mineralized structures on the property. The knowledge gained in this area will guide future exploration for several similar target areas elsewhere on the property including the Gold Box, Central and Sunset Mine Zones. I look forward to the receipt of assays for the remaining nine holes of the Phase I drill program and for more information that will come from ongoing exploration work underway at Pamlico.”
Upcoming work will include:
- Continuation of the ongoing program of surface and underground mapping and sampling currently underway;
- Finalizing arrangements to complete a property-wide airborne geophysical survey consisting of high resolution airborne magnetometry and radiometrics
- Selection of suitable composite sample for preliminary metallurgical study once the Company has the results for all 19 holes of the current Phase I drilling program;
-  Finalizing plans for a large diameter PQ diamond core drilling program;
- Expanding program of RC drilling;
- Assessing potential to initiate program of bulk sampling / test mining utilizing the existing decline and infrastructure.
The Pamlico Project is along US Highway 95 with has excellent access and infrastructure, a mild, year-round operating climate and strong political support from Mineral County, one of the most pro-mining counties in the pro-mining state of Nevada.