Pan American Energy drills 1.71% Li2O over 19.65 metresf at Big Mack, Ontario

Pan American Energy Corp. [CSE-PNRG; OTC-PAANF; FSE-SS60] released the final assay results on 13 holes from the 2023/2024 diamond drill program on the Big Mack lithium project, located approximately 80 km north of Kenora, Ontario. The drilling campaign was carried out by Full Force Diamond Drilling Ltd. under the geological guidance of Axiom Exploration Group Ltd.
The last phase of 2023/2024 drilling program focused on areas of the property outside of the known mineralized zones and was designed to test prospective areas extending along strike and down dip of previously identified mineralization.
These targets showed indications for mineralization but had not been tested by historic drilling. Drill targets were identified using the 2023 geochemical surface sampling results as well as the UAV detailed magnetic survey data previously collected by the company. Certain infill holes within the Eleven zone and Big Mack Pegmatite were also included in the last phase of drilling. The results of the final phase of drilling indicate that lithium mineralization extends southeast of the Sprinkler Zone and bolster the confidence in previous lithium mineralization showings at
Highlights: 1.71% Li2O over 19.65 metres (BM24-059) and 1.46% Li2O over 4.5 metres through the centre of the Eleven Zone pegmatite; 2.75% Li2O over 1.0 metre within a 5.83-metre interval of 1.64% Li2O (BM24-047) intersected approximately 70 m east of the main 6059/Sprinkler zone. Sprinkler Zone mineralization remains open at depth and along strike to the southeast.
Jason Latkowcer, CEO, commented, “We are pleased to report on the latest and final assays received on the Property from our most recent drill program. Our team has further expanded on the newly identified mineralized zones in areas where high grade lithium had not previously been identified. This proves to us that additional discoveries can be made at the Property, and as we refine our understanding of the geology, we will look to follow-up these intercepts as they remain open at depth and along strike.”
BM24-047 was drilled to the southwest of the Sprinkler Zone and successfully tested the extension of mineralization that was identified in holes BM24-045 and BM24-046 to the west with 5.83 metres of 1.64% Li2O. Infill drill hole BM24-059 was drilled to the south of the Eleven Zone pegmatite. The hole successfully had multiple mineralized intercepts, including an interval of 19.65 metres at 1.71% Li2O.
In summary, during the last phase of the program the company drilled 3720.24 metres, for a total amount of drilling over the entire program of 8319.24 metres over 59 drill holes.
Holes BM24-047, BM24-048 and BM24-051 to BM24-058 were exploration holes targeting magnetic anomalies identified from the UAV-borne magnetics survey completed in 2023 by EarthEx Geophysical Solutions Inc. in conjunction with surface samples collected in the 2023 summer prospecting program. Holes BM24-049 and BM24-050 were infill holes targeting the Big Mack Deposit, and BM24-059 was an infill hole on targeting the Eleven zone pegmatite. Visual core logging indicates that the predominant host mineral for the Big Mack pegmatites is petalite.
The true width of holes BM24-051 to BM24-058 reported in this release have not yet been determined. Holes BM24-047 to BM24-050 and BM24-059 described in this news release targeting the Big Mack, Sprinkler/6059 and Eleven zone pegmatites were drilled broadly perpendicular and inclined to the pegmatite orientations so that the true thickness of reported intercepts is estimated to range somewhere between 30-80% of the drilled widths.
The property is located 2 km east of the all-weather Snook Lake Road, about 80 km north of Kenora. The property is proximal (~1.3 km) to Avalon’s Separation Rapids, Big Whopper deposit which hosts a measured and indicated resource. The property is within an Ontario registered mining lease, with over 30 years of exploration history. The property lies within the traditional land use area of the Wabaseemoong Independent Nations of Whitedog, Ontario: an Aboriginal community located approximately 35 km southwest of the property.
The Property hosts four known Li-bearing pegmatites including the Big Mack pegmatite, Eleven Zone, Sprinkler Zone, and 6095 pegmatite which are thought to be related to the Separation Rapids Pluton. They are interpreted as zoned Complex Type, Petalite Subtype LCT Pegmatites. The Big Mack pegmatite represents the largest petalite-bearing mass on the Property and is exposed over an 80 by 225 m area.
Pan American Energy executed an option agreement in Canada with Magabra Resources, providing for the right to acquire up to a 90% interest in the drill-ready Big Mack Lithium Project. The company has also entered a property option agreement with Horizon Lithium LLC providing for the right to acquire a 100% interest in the Horizon Lithium Project, located within Esmeralda County, Tonopah Lithium Belt, Nevada, USA.