Q2 Metals drills 1.28% Li2O over 13.7 metres at Mia, Quebec

Q2 Metals Corp. [TSXV-QTWO; OTCQB-QUEXF; FSE-458] reported assay results for the drill program completed in the winter of 2024 at the wholly owned, 8,668-hectare Mia lithium property, located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay territory of Quebec.
Highlights: Continued presence of wide spodumene-mineralized pegmatites containing high-grade intervals at the Mia Zone confirmed 13.7 metres at 1.28% Li2O, including 9.1 metres of 1.79% Li2O (MIA24-033); 8.8 metres at 1.33% Li2O, including 5.8 metres of 1.71% Li2O (MIA24-039). Continuity of mineralization at the Mia 1, 2 & 3 zones
The 2024 winter drill program targeted the western end of the more than 10-km-long Mia Lithium Exploration Trend, located 22 km from the Billy Diamond Highway, proximal to major hydro-powerline and all-season road infrastructure. The Mia Trend comprises an approximately 10-km-long series of sub-parallel pegmatite intrusions, of which there are 11 mineralized with spodumene at surface.
The individual pegmatite bodies vary in thickness between a few metres and over 20 metres in some cases. Combined with the 2023 fall drill program, a total of 8,685 metres was completed over 50 drill holes along the Mia Trend. All assay results from both drill campaigns have now been reported.
Neil McCallum, VP Exploration, commented: “Our modest winter drill program continued to successfully confirm the continuity of the mineralization encountered during our fall drill program at the Mia 1, 2 & 3 Zones. These results have provided us with information about what is happening across the broader Mia Trend and will be used to vector towards areas where we will test for thickening and higher-grade mineralization.”
The primary objective of the Winter Drill Program was to follow up on the fall-2023 drilling along the Mia Trend, with a total of 20 drill holes completed for approximately 3,085 m. One drill rig was used to test the main Mia 1, 2 & 3 zones (the “Mia Zone”) with 11 drill holes; while a second drill rig tested the greater Mia Trend with nine holes at the Mia 5,6, 7, 8 & Carte Zones.
Drill results at the Mia Zone confirmed the previously announced spodumene mineralization within a continuous pegmatite zone that dips gently to the north.
Thickness of the mineralized zone varies from 8 to 20 metres and extends roughly 600 metres east-west and roughly 375 metres north-south. The pegmatite body appears to be open to the west, east and north. The Winter Drill Program confirmed the continuity of the mineralization in some areas of the zone, while also showing some grade variability at the northern portions of the pegmatite at depth, with pegmatite intervals as expected but without significant lithium grades in holes 42, 44, 46, 48.
The results of the greater Mia Trend have revealed significantly wide pegmatite intervals, with relevantly anomalous LCT-style geochemistry, but without significant lithium intervals.
For instance, drill hole MIA24-035 at the Mia 8 Zone intersected 14.9 metres of pegmatite, followed by 2.6 metres of metasediments, followed by another 20.6 metres of pegmatite. The geochemistry revealed elevated rubidium of 989 ppm and only 96 ppm lithium.
Additionally, drill hole MIA24-049 at Mia 5 Zone intersected three near-surface pegmatites (1.4 m wide, 2.9m wide and 0.8 m wide) with anomalous lithium (723, 76 and 57 ppm Li, respectively), anomalous rubidium (1,795, 996 and 1276 ppm Rb, respectively) and anomalous tantalum (107, 59 and 116 ppm Ta2O5, respectively); with potassium-rubidium ratios (K/Rb) of 9, 22 and 7, respectively. The positive indicator-geochemistry in drill-holes, combined with anomalous surface geochemistry, indicates the potential for the discovery of additional mineralized zones along the Mia Trend. Drill holes 32, 34, 35, 37, 38 and 41 to 50 all returned elevated but not significant amounts of lithium.
Due to an abnormal fire season in 2023, much of the property remains completely untested as the field season was drastically shortened. Further exploration will be undertaken at the Mia lithium property during summer 2024 with a 2-week long property-wide ground mapping and sampling campaign.
The focus of the campaign will be on the continuation of the Mia Trend as well as the prospective Bruce and Lady trends that were identified at the end of the 2023 field season. Several high-priority targets were identified with the high-resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR that was collected at the end of the 2023 season.
Q2 Metals focused on unlocking its portfolio of lithium projects in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Quebec, Canada that includes its 100%-owned Mia lithium property and its recently acquired Cisco lithium property.
The Company’s exploration advancement at its 8,668-ha flagship Mia Lithium Property is focused on the more than 10-km-long Mia Trend which is host to both the Mia 1 and Mia 2 lithium occurrences and 11 other mineralized zones along trend.
The Cisco lithium property is located approximately 150 km north of Matagami, Quebec and comprised of 222 mineral claims and is 11,374-ha in size. The property has district scale potential with an already identified mineralized zone and a discovery drill result of 115.4 m of 1.21% Li2O (hole CS-23-05), cumulatively in five separate pegmatites.